Final edit

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Hey there my lovely readers. Y'all still keep up? Yes? No? That's okay!:) Anyways, this would be up before or after the last chapter.

I will be doing a final edits on this book that has be up for 2-3 years or 4 give or take. Names and ages will be changed here and there. The flow of the story and all that will be edited. Because it doesn't make sense to me now than when I was first wrote the story. (When I was 14,15 ish?) I have like twilight and all that jazz inside, I don't even know y'all. I'll edit them out.

If this goes out before the last chapter, I want y'all to know that this is my very first fanfic and I'm proud that there's people reading it and supporting. The story led me to nowhere as I haven't continue it for a long time therefore the hiatus. I love this story so much, believe me. But I have grown out of this phase for awhile that I left this story bury deep in the archives.

I have a bunch of drafts that I wrote throughout the years that I was too scared to release, afraid that people might find me weird writing fanfic during my free time. I had that fear for a long time. I hope using this platform, I will be able to release my stories out for y'all to read.

Thank you guys for supporting this book even though it's not the best! I love you guys so much! :) I'm sad that this is coming to an end. Hope to see y'all again in the next book.

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