♪ The Last Symphony ♪

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chapter 1


School Auditorium, 2nd semester

"Our school funds this school year has decreased rapidly." There was a slight pause, the whole auditorium was quiet. "The number of school days has decreased due to the many storm warnings. This poses as a threat to the school's quality of education. The school council and I have talked about this for quite some time now and have made a decision. To cover up all the cancelled classes... I am sorry to inform you that we are to cancel out all extra-curricular activities this school year." The whole auditorium suddenly went discreetly noisy. "If you are part in any of these activities, your additional grade coming from it would still be given even though it is cancelled."

Various mumurings were heard after that speech.

Those were the last words of principal Hall before she left the auditorium stage. The school council was seated 



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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 15, 2012 ⏰

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