Chapter 20: Windows Locked

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I was so worried about Eddie that I hardly slept at all last night. Every time I dozed off I'd have some nightmare of something terrible happening to Eddie. I even jerked away and reached blindly in the dark for him, screaming his name a few times before I realized it was a dream.

"Why didn't I stay?" I've been asking myself this question again and again, but never figured out the answer.

I wanted to see him so bad, it hurt. All the losers were going to a movie later that day and I know the second I see his pretty face, everything will be alright. In the dark theater I'll wrap my arm around his small shoulders, I'll hold him tight and won't let go.

This gives me the motivation I need to rush out of my house. I quickly get dressed and carefully move the dresser away from the door. My parents fought longer than usual last night, but at least my dad never came in.

I peek through the door for any sign of either of my parents. I notice their bedroom door is shut which means my mom locked herself in there sometime during the night. So my dad was either told to leave or he's asleep on his recliner in the living room.

I creep slowly through the hallway, knowing which floor beams and stairs to avoid to keep them from creaking.

I look through the front window and notice my dad's car is gone. I relax instantly and walk freely. I go to the kitchen and make coffee. I don't do this a lot, but I'm exhausted and could use a pick me up.
Later that day, I walk meet the losers, there's still too much snow for biking. Bev, Ben and Mike were already there, but I start to get nervous when Eddie's not one of them. "He could just be running late..."

"Hey, Richie!" Ben said

Bev was hanging on his arm and had her head in his shoulder, but when she saw me she lifted it up and looked worried. "What's wrong, Richie?"

She knows me too well, "huh? Nothings wrong." I don't even convince myself.

She gives me a bored look. "Seriously, are you okay? You look exhausted!"

"I just couldn't sleep last night, that's all."

She opens her mouth to say something else, but was cut off by Bill and Stanley walking up to us. "H-hi!" Bill says.

"Where's Eddie?" Mike asks, "I thought he was gonna walk with you guys?"

Stanley looked down sadly, "we went to his house, but his mom says he's sick."

The other shrug it off disappointedly, but don't take it too hard, Eddie's always sick. But Stan and I make eye contact with each other knowing what's actually going on. My stomach drops. "I should've stayed with him!"

It puts me out of any movie watching mood, I just want to go see my Eds.

Everyone was talking about what movie to see, finally agreeing on one. I was too distracted to hear any of it. They walk away to buy their tickets, but I don't move.

"Something bad happened just like I thought and I wasn't there to protect him!" I dig my fingers into my palms and pierce the skin feeling blood slip through my knuckles.

Someone's hand slaps at my hand and I come back to reality, I turn to see who it was.

Stanley was standing by my side, he grabs my hands, "stop it!" He says sternly, but quietly.

I look down at him. "I knew something was gonna happen." I whisper

He looks up at me confused.

"We were late going back to his house last night and he told me to leave, that he'd be fine. And I did and now he's 'sick'!" I felt like crying, but didn't. It wouldn't help anything.

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