Chapter 15: Promise

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I walk extra fast to school the next day to try and see Eddie before class. I wanted to make sure he was okay.

I get to his locker and wait for him, but eventually the bell rings and he still wasn't there.

"I'll try and see him in between classes. And if not, I know I'll see him at lunch." I think trying to calm myself down, but I still had this horrible feeling that Eddie wasn't all right.

I could hardly pay attention to any of my classes that morning. I kept staring at the clock, counting down the slow minutes until lunch because so far I hadn't seen him in the hallway.

I was shaking super bad that I needed a cigarette right then.

I asked my teacher if I could be excused, she waved me off not even stopping her lesson.

I close myself in the same stall when I first hung out with the losers and light a cigarette. It was harder than usual because my hands were fumbling so bad.

Finally I get it lit and my shaking hand leads it to my mouth. It works it's magic and I relax. But my head was still swimming with worry. He seemed so scared when we got to his house and I stupidly didn't ask him if he was okay.

The bathroom door opens and I peek through to see it was Stanley.

I kept smoking, giving him some time so I don't invade on what he's doing, but when he was washing his hands, I flush my cigarette and exit the stall.

He sees me in the mirror and very awkwardly says, "hey, Richie..."

I stand at the counter next to him, "have you seen Eddie?"

He smiles, rolls his eyes and sarcastically says, "aww you can't even get to lunch without each other. That's adorable."

He was starting to walk to the door, but I stop him. "Seriously Stan, have you seen him?" The worry in my voice made him give me a funny look.

"No. He wasn't in math this morning."

I grown and start nervously pacing the bathroom.

He continues to look at me. "Are you okay? Did something happen after we all left yesterday?"

"We were hanging out and lost track of time. His alarm went off and he got super freaked about getting home late, but he seemed really scared to go home!"

Stanley sighed and shook his head. "That means he's sick."

"He wasn't sick when I left him last night. He was fine!" I say confused. Eddie being sick isn't exactly mind blowing news, but it still didn't seem right.

"Yeah he probably was, but he's sick now. He should be back tomorrow."

He turned and pushed open the door. "How do you know he's sick?" I ask

"This has happened before a few times, but he'll be okay." He was calm, but sounded sad.

He left me alone in the bathroom feeling confused and even more worried. But there wasn't anything I couldn't do about it right now.

He said I could come tonight and sit on his roof as usual, but that also meant that I had to wait the rest of the day.

It was a blur for me. I sat with the losers during lunch and Bev kept trying to make me feel better and get me involved with their conversation, but I couldn't focus on that. I eventually put on my headphones.

The day dragged on, but it was finally nine which meant I could go see Eddie. I wanted to see him during the day, but didn't want to risk it if his mom stayed home to take care of him.

Stars (Reddie fanfic) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz