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The next morning I planned to meet Stephen and Chantelle out the front of the school. I did not have the courage to go in without my two best friends on my arm.

I walked up to the front gates and a slight smile formed across my lips as I saw them. They ran over to me, Chantelle's heals creating splashes of water across the pavement, where puddles had formed.

Stephen was holding a bright red umbrella, stylish as always.

"Come on, let's get you out of the cold," Chantelle smiled at me weakly; her and Stephen linked arms with me and guided me inside.

I'd barely noticed the drops falling all around my body while I was walking to school. Too in my head, I guess.

Once inside, we all sat down at one of the benches off to the side in the halls.

"How do you feel, beautiful?" Stephen asked.

Both of my best friends looked at me sympathetically.

"Angry, honestly," I sighed, "He knew what my ex did, we were such a good couple, I'm not pregnant... why would he do that?"

Chantelle sighed in response, "The whole class was talking about it yesterday, but no one can figure out why he'd do that."

"Other than he's a dickhead," Stephen added and we all nodded, "Even Rem is pissed at him."

We sat there silently for a few minutes, until Joe walked over to us. He kneeled down in front of me and smiled weakly up at me.

"You okay?" His tone was gentle, yet sincere.

"Just a little pissed off," I was obviously lying, but I didn't want to burden Joe.

He could tell that now wasn't the right time, so he just smiled at me again and walked off.

"Well, that was weird," Stephen looked directly at me, "Something you're not telling us?"

"Joe and I are just friends," I rolled my eyes, and I was actually sincere about that this time, "He's sweet but uhm... not my type."

"You can say that again! Now perk those tits up and let's find a real rebound to make Mitchell jealous!" Chantelle stood up and held out her hand to help me up.

I squashed my tits together and took her hand. Stephen took the other one and we all made our way to class.

I paused in front of the door as I remembered something and turned to Chantelle and Stephen, "One more thing! Do either of you know the name Ofoedo?"

"Sounds like something we've learnt in class, but there's only two people in our class who actually listen to Alfie," Chantelle shrugged.

"And since you and Joe are so 'close', it'll be easy," Stephen teased.

"Why'd you ask?" Chantelle questioned.

"No reason," I shrugged and turned around to open the door.

No one knew about my mum, and I planned on keeping it that way. I walked into class and took my seat next to Joe. Everyone watched me as I put my head down on the desk and put my hoodie over it.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," Joe whispered to me.

This was my chance to ask about Ofoedo. But if I asked in class, someone might hear and ask what it's about. Not only that, they'd make fun of me for being so close with Joe.

"Meet me at the store room near the cafeteria at break," I propped my head up and whispered into his ear so no one would hear.

He blushed slightly and nodded before quickly turning away. He obviously expected it meant something else, poor, innocent Joe.

When Mitchell walked in, everyone began to whisper to each other. Whatever, any rumour being spread would only put him in a bad light anyway.


At break, I immediately picked up my bag and pushed through the crowds to the store room. If I find out who Ofoedo was, it could help my mum, so I was all guns blazing. Even if I wasn't sure if thats what I wanted...

I threw open the door and sat on an old crate. One Mitchell and I had sat on together not that long ago. I was about to cry but...

Joe propped the door open slightly and when he saw me, gingerly made his way over to the crate next to mine, plopping himself down.

"Joe," he looked over to me, his face completely burning up, "Do you know the name Ofoedo?"

"Oh," he shrugged slightly, obviously not sure why I'd go to all this trouble just to ask him that, "That's Cleo's last name, but you probably don't recognise it because Alfie pronounces it differently every time."

My body felt as if ice was growing all over, and I was paralyzed by a frost bite of fear and realisation. I began to stare off into the distance, unknowingly staring into Joe's eyes. It had to be connected, right?

Obviously, my face did not look loving or romantic in the slightest, but simply the staring was enough for Joe to get the wrong idea.

He slowly began to lean in and our lips met. He may have been the least my type, and possibly the least appealing boy to me I'd ever met, but his lips were soft, like Mitch's... and I was desperate for any form of human connection. I had no family, no boyfriend... I blame myself, but can you blame me?

I placed a cold hand on his hot flushed cheek and began to kiss him back, taking the lead. Joe seemed surprised, and I felt his cheeks get hotter.

I heard the sound of a door handle clicking from behind my back, and then a door slam shut. I was startled and quickly pulled away, turning around to find Mitchell staring down at us.

I let out an exasperated noise and dropped my head. Of course he had to walk in... drama just seemed to follow him and I.

"Seriously!?" He yelled at me and walked over to Joe, the sound of the fake leather in his boots squeaking, "This bellend!?"

This seemed to intimidate Joe and I noticed tears swelling in the corners of his eyes.

I stood up and looked Mitchell directly in the eyes.

"Don't you dare take your idiocy out on him!" I yelled at him, "You cheated on me!"

Mitchell scowled at us both and Joe stood up to leave, but as he did, Mitchell punched him to the ground.

"Holy fucking shit, Mitchell! Leave him alone!" I screamed.

People loitering in the halls heard this and opened the door to join in on the commotion. Mitchell saw this as an opportunity to put on a show. He began was to kick and punch Joe.

"Mitchell!" I screamed at him and pulled him away by his hoodie, "You're a fucking monster!"

"I loved you!" He yelled in response, "I may be a monster or whatever..."

He paused and I saw tears welling in his eyes too. Something I'd never seen.

"But I know you loved me too!"

I looked at him and shook my head, "Not the right time. I'll text you somewhere where we can meet and talk later, but for now I have to clean up your fucking mess!"

He unclenched his fists and stormed out of the room. I heard voices coming from behind the crowd.


"Nothing to see here!"

"Go away!"

"Let me through!"

"Ew, is that fake Gucci?"

It was Chantelle and Stephen. Thank god. What a mess.

Coco Butter Kisses - Bad Education Mitchell Harper × OCWhere stories live. Discover now