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I power walked through the halls, my against-uniform heals clicking as I did. I'd woken up late after a long night of playing Tokyo Sin and it took me longer to get ready as I had to drink ten cups of coffee and use ten layers of concealer just to hide my eye bags.

I threw the door open and looked around the classroom. For the second time this month, I was later than Mitchell.

"Sorry, sir. My face needed some extra attention this morning," I played with my hair a little and hesitated before walking over to my desk as it meant sitting next to Mitchell.

Despite me saying it wouldn't, and despite my efforts to make it not, me and Mitchell had become very awkward after the... incident.

But I was enjoying the single life, and Mitch didn't really like me anyway. I refused to believe that.

I sat down and everyone groaned at how awake I seemed.

"It's not like we're doing anything anyway," Alfie scoffed, "These guys are absolutely knackered from playing some stupid game."

"You were on until 3 too!" Rem exclaimed, "How're you so awake then?"

"Concealer and an unhealthy amount of coffee," I turned around to wink at him and noticed Mitchell roll his eyes a little, so I gave him the finger before turning to him and whispering, "You were playing online with Jing past 3am anyway."

And surely enough, even Jing's head was crashed on the desk, half asleep.

Soon, the bell went, and I led my group of me and two zombies, Chantelle and Stephen. We sat down at the back of the cafeteria as I had some tea to spill.

"So you remember when Mitchell stormed off during sex ed?" I looked at both Chantelle and Stephen, sitting either side of me.

"Mhmmmmmm!" They grinned, waking up as they were anticipating something juicy.

"Well... he kissed me," I mumbled a little, but they heard.

Both of them gasped and froze until finally Stephen grabbed me and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Please, girl, tell me you did NOT reject him!" He practically yelled.

"Shhh," I hissed, "Of course I did. He likes Jing anyway."

I pointed across the cafeteria to where he was sitting with her, listening to her be all smart, and trying to impress her back, but desperately failing. Rem Dogg sat beside the table, attempting to be a wingman, but also desperately failing.

"That's because you basically threw him into her arms!" Stephen had an angry expression on his face.

"There's no way. Before we kissed, we had like one bonding moment," as I had been convincing myself for the past two weeks.

"You guys used to flirt every day," Chantelle gave me a 'duh' look.

"That was fighting," I gave her one back.

"Maybe to you," Stephen joined Chantelle's side on this.

I just sat there, slouching slightly, defeated. There was absolutely no way they were right.

"OMG!" Stephen had a realisation, "You're jealous of him now! Aren't you!?"

"There's no way!" I scoffed, "I'm perfectly fine. If anything, I'm happy for him."

I continued to stare at him flirting with Jing, feeling a slight sting in my chest. However, I refused to believe it was jealously.

Eventually, the bell rang for class again. I stood up with Stephen and Chantelle, however I was still in my own little world, watching Mitchell and Jing.

I checked my timetable and sighed at the realisation that those two were both in my next class. Even though I refused to believe I was jealous, I was absolutely not in the mood to watch those two flirt all lesson... Or to watch Mitchell attempt to flirt, but Jing reject him.

So I went somewhere I knew I felt safe instead.

It was hard to see anything through the darkness of the storage closet.

Why did this place feel so cold without Mitchell to liven it up? I had never noticed much about this place before. Not with him to distract me.

Truthfully, sitting there probably only made me feel worse. I wasn't able to escape memories of a time where Mitchell was briefly mine.

But I needed to stop thinking that way, Mitchell was in love with-

The sound of the door handle turning and the hinges creaking startled me and I looked up, losing my trail of thought.

His, seemingly void, brown eyes stared down at me, and I began to feel embarrassed. He knew that I had come here because of him. Why else would I?

"We gotta find somewhere better than this to meet," he tried to break the silence.

"No point," I put on a fake smile and he rolled his eyes before walking over to me.

"You always this petty?" He sat down.

"You always move on in a day?" I refused to look at him so he grabbed my chin once again, turning my face his way.

"I do that when people make rumours I want 'em for their body."

I sighed and took the hand that he had placed on my chin, interlocking our fingers.

"What about Jing then?" I watched his eyes light up slightly as I held his hand, and die again when I mentioned Jing.

"Yesterday, rebounds," he said and I knew what he meant; Jing was his Hoogeveen.

"You know him and I didn't end up hooking up?"

He nodded and stood up, letting go of my hand.

"Come on, we gotta stop only talking in this spot now things ain't awkward. And everyone in class don't know where you are."

I sighed and stood up, giving him a kiss on the cheek which made him turn bright red.

We walked back to class together, but I paused right before we opened the door.

"What is it?" He looked me in the eyes.

I took his hand again and smiled, "You don't have to worry about looking after a penis in public."

He smiled and nodded slightly before opening the door to class.

The teacher didn't notice we were gone, but my friends certainly did. And they also noticed us holding hands.

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