Arriving (Part 1)

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Hermione PoV
The kids and I left early this morning to get to the airport. Draco would be meeting us there in two days after his meeting with A big American Company. Zavina held Cissa-Anne's and Isabella's bags. Sabrina held her bag and her mother's bag due to finding out that she was pregnant. Nalia's PoV
I stood next to mother and father as they talked with Aunt Jean and Uncle Liam. I looked around to see my cousins Selina, Rosa, and Markus pulled up with Uncle David and Aunt Ziakara. Markus and Aunt Ziakara were getting the bags out while Rosa and Selina looked at them sneering. My first instinct told me they didn't get what they wanted. Markus came over and whispered, "Did you hear Hermione is coming?" I nodded and laughed at Selina and Rosa faces when they heard their brother say that. A few minutes later, Uncle Mathew and Uncle Jax arrived with cousins Felicity, Natalia, Hope, and Melody. I also notice a young girl following behind Cousin Hope and Cousin Melody. I realize that must be my new cousin, Oceania. I thought it was a weird name but I like the sound of it and how unique it was. Uncle Jax and Uncle Mathew went over to My mom and dad greeting them but you could see past the fake smiles. My dad has hated his brother since he came home married to uncle Mathew. I wonder how they will react finding out that I am married with two kids of my own. I sighed just as My sisters Sabine and Chloe come out the hotel to greet them. "Aunt Jean, Uncle Liam, Is Hermione still coming?" asked Sabine. I rolled my eyes at my sisters tactics with auntie and uncle. "Yes. She should be here in a few minutes.... Ah there she is now!" I looked to see a black svu pull up. I see a butler come out and open the door revealing two little kids and two teenagers getting out behind them a very pregnant woman. "Miss Granger, should I park in the normal spot?"asked the butler. I stood in shock that beautiful pregnant woman was none other than my cousin, Hermione Granger. Hermione nodded and watched as the butler pulled into the spot of Malfoy's CEO Company. I watched as the man got out and grabbed their bags. Hermione walked up to Auntie Jean and Uncle Liam hugging them. She turned and said, "Hello to you all! How have you been?" I froze shocked that she was so manner and beautiful. "Hermione, you better tell the person you paid to act as a butler to move his car or else it will get towed."said Sabine. "Actually that parking spot is for me and my car. Antonio is just driving me around while I'm pregnant." answered Hermione. "You had kids outside of Wedlock? How could you raise such a monster Jean, Liam?" yelled My Dad. "Actually I'm married to a very good friend of mine. These are his kids." Hermione answered showing her ring that was and emerald green snake ring. It has 'Forever and Always' craved into it. I looked at it due to it being similar to mine. I had a sapphire with a lion's head biting on it. My ring was craved with "To the Moon and Back.' I sighed looking at my watch. I walked over to Hermione first hugging her and apologized for everything.
Hermione PoV
Nalia walked over hugging me and apologized for everything. I smiled and nodded. I heard a cough and turned around to see my daughters waiting to be introduced. "Oh.... This is my daughter Zavina. She is fifteen years old. The one next to her is Sabrina. She is thirteen years old. Cissa-Anne is the one next to her she is eleven. My youngest is Isabella and she is five years old. I'm pregnant with a boy as well." Nalia smiled and hugged them welcoming them. Nalia looked at me saying, " I have good news as well. I have a husband and two daughters. They should be here soon..." Nalia couldn't finish because a mustang pulled up just as she was talking. It parked and out came........

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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