Part 2- daliy life

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Hanjis POV

Today was like any day. I woke up, showered, was late to work, and got screamed at by Captain shortie. Levi is my boss, for business work and for gang related work. Levi is VERY strict with his policy of not being caught since last time he almost was, plus he doesn't have many good friends in jail but even then he has no problem in putting them in their rightful place.  Oh! I almost forgot! I'm hanji zoë! I am the "brains" or the "psychopath" of the gang. You may be wondering how are you the brains AND the psychopath? Well I am intelligent on how to break in certain play and disarm the alarms and what not but I am also amazing at scaring people! Of course I'm nothing compared to my beloved boss but I am good at making them squeal! I love it! Plus I also find it satisfying killing people that anger me. I have a bestie beside levi and Erwin and everyone else in the gang, he in fact has nothing to do with the gang and has no idea about it! His name is eren jaeger! He's the sweetest cutest boy ever!! I fully believe he and my boss would make a wonderful couple plus levi needs a little love when he has a hard day of work and stress from dealing with us! And I think eren is perfect for the job! Now there's a party levi is throwing for the gang and it's just for fun nothing to worry about and no missions. I am bringing eren! Of course since she's amazing he said yes!! I am soooooooooooooo excited!!

I felt a slap on the back of my head snapyme out of my thoughts. "Ow!" I looked up from my desk to see a scowling levi. "You started zoning out again. Focus psycho " he insulted or at least he tried to. Since I am dead inside I feel nothing of what he says to me. Anywho, I got back to work decoding alarm systems from different banks we will rob in the near future. Yeah that's my day. Fun. But ! I can't help but smile a crazy smile. Just imagining eren falling in love with levi!! I can't wait!! Hehheheehhehehahhahahahahaha!!!!! The thought of them having kids and being married! I know levi has a soft side and I know eren will be the first and only one to see it and it will only be for him to feel and love. Eren deserves it and so does levi. Knowing both their pasts and seeing different things they could do to help each other. They deserve all the love compared to what they've been through. I finally finished my work and I got to erens house helping him pick out an outfit for the party me being me I made him wear this beautiful black dress that was modest but sexy just perfect for him and levi since I know how levi is. All levis attention will be in him, now I am not the only one trying to set them up. It's also Isabel, Petra, and me so us and it's fun! Eren has no idea and just thinks it's some random party hahahahaha oh he'll see.....

(Hanji is a matchmaker lol anyway hoped you like it!! Sorry for short chapters! )

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