"Have a seat Cody." He motioned to the chair in front of his desk.

I uneasily sat down and started picking at my fingers. He hasn't even looked at me yet and I already have nerves building in my stomach, and his quiet focus is really starting to drive me nuts. I can't handle suspense very well for obvious reasons.

"Can I..." I started but he held up his hand to stop me.

After a few more minutes of him reading something before shuffling them and setting them off to the side, he finally looked up at me. I tried reading his expression, it seemed angry still, but there was something more there.

"First, we're going to have a conversation about respect, then a chat about what is bothering you, more recently what happened today, and then we will discuss some new rules."

New rules? Did he say new rules? There are already so many rules that I can't keep track of and now he wants to add more in there? No wonder I get in trouble so much.

"Agreed?" He asked as he snapped me back into reality.

I dont know Charlie, that seems like a lot to go over and we only have one bag of popcorn left in the kitchen.

"Yes sir."

"Do you know why respect is important?"

It seemed like a simple question, I know it's the right thing to do but I don't necessarily know why we need to do it so much. Especially to those who don't deserve it.

"It's important because it shows that you're willing to put any differences you may have with another person aside and work or act maturely around, with, or towards them."

I nodded my head to show I was listening and so I wouldn't anger him.

"I know you had a problem with one of your teachers today, she called me shortly after you got home and informed me of the disrespectful attitude you had towards her. I know you probably don't feel like she deserves your respect but there is a difference between respecting a person and respecting their position. It is my job to make sure you grow into a respectable man, so I will not hesitate to correct any wrong behavior of yours, do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"I let you off today with a warning but I won't do it again Cody."

A warning? Let me belt you down and then come and talk to me about what a "warning" is. I nodded my head and leaned back in my chair.

"Now tell me why you were in such a bad mood today after you came home."

"I-I already talked to Eryk about it, there's nothing more to tell."

He didn't look satisfied. "That wasn't a request Cody."

Told you. I put my head down and remained silent. I could see his nostrils flaring and there was definitely going to be an outburst here soon. Either by him or by me. I glanced at him, his cold stare was still on me, but I immediately put my head back down so I couldn't be intimidated by it.

"I'm losing my patience Cody. What happened at school today?" He paused in between each word.

"That teacher made me mad is all, she made me feel like there was something wrong with me." I answered quickly before things escalated.

"What else?"

"That's it."

"Don't lie to me Cody. I know there is something else wrong, this isn't the first time you've had a problem with a teacher and I've never seen an outburst like that before. I don't want to have to get it out of you but I will."

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