Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys, it's me again!
I know I haven't written in quite a while, and I'll admit 2019 hadn't been such a productive year, but I'm hoping 2020 will be different!
One of my resolutions is start to write more, so here's the start of my goal :)
As always, any constructive criticism, suggestions and reviews are highly welcome ~
Also, apologies for any grammar errors, this is all proofread by myself. Feel free to point them out and I'll check over them!

On a side note, I'm interested in writing my own story (BL of course) and I'm thinking of posting it on Wattpad (same username there, @beautifulotomehell) or is there any sites you guys recommend that's good for serialisation pieces?

And I wish all of you a prosperous and good health in 2020!^^

Feel free to follow me on, AO3 and Wattpad: BeautifulOtomeHell

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Finder characters, but the plot and OC are made up by me:)


Click click click

The rhythmic sound of tapping of keyboard echoed in the small booth.
A young man with blond hair sat scrunched up in front of a computer, staring intently at the screen with a slight frown, all the time his fingers flew across the keyboard.
Suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded, and the young man jerked up before cursing under his breath. Using one hand to rub the spot between his eyebrows, he used the other to press stop on his phone. Then, with a yawn, he leaned back against the chair and stretched.
"Finished just on time," he mumbled, and leaned back down to shut the computer and pack his things.

Opening the dark booth, he squinted against the harsh light of the corridor, wincing slightly.
He was just going to turn left to head towards the exit, when he saw that the door to the booth next to his was slightly open. He glanced inside.

The boy's shoulders were slumped, and an aura of dejection emitting from his being. On top of that, his dark hair was messy, and wore clothes that looked as if they hadn't been changed for a few days.

Perhaps he heard the blond man's footsteps, the messy haired boy suddenly turned his face towards the door and locked eyes with the blond man.

Crap, though Akihito, recognising the helpless look on the boy's face.

"Akihito-senpai, please wait here for a second!" With a sudden burst of energy, the boy shot out of his seat and ran towards the end of the corridor. Before Akihito could proceed what had happened, he was back, holding a can of iced coffee. Sliding the last few metres on his knees, he prostrated against the floor to Akihito.

"Akihito-senpaaaai, I beg of you! This is the last time! I promise! Please help me!" The boy cried agonisingly.

Akihito sighed. "Didn't you say that last time was the 'last time'? And the time before that? On second thought, didn't you say every time was the 'last time'?"

"Please! I swear this is the last time! If you don't help me I will never see tomorrow's sun!"

Akihito shook his head in defeat. "Fine, I'll help you."

The boy cried in relief. "Thank you so much, Akihito-samaaaaa! I love you!"

"H-hey, don't rub you snot-covered face on my clothes!"

"Ah, please accept this!"

Kai held up the can of iced coffee.

Akihito stared at it, pretending to be offended. "Is that all my service is worth, a can of coffee?"

"I'm really sorry, I really can't afford anything else at the moment! I promise once I finish this I'll make up to you!" Tears welled up in Kai's eyes again, and he stared at Akihito like a tortured puppy.

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