Yang was in the air as she goes to punch Arslan, but she dodged it. Yang and Arslan both punched their fist, as it make a big clash sending them back. Yang goes for a kick, but Arslan uses her string to lose Yang's balance as she kicked her to the ice field. Yang tries to keep her balance as Arslan punches Yang again sending her back to Nadir. As Nadir was going to shoot Yang, a ice shot hits Nadir which he loses his weapon.
Nadir: Mmmm...
The ice shot was Ruby.
Ruby: Got your back!
Bolin: Who's got yours?
As Bolin goes to hit Ruby, Weiss uses her gravity dust kicking Bolin to the fire field.
Ruby: My BFF!
Weiss: No.
Weiss goes off to fight.
Ruby: Yes!
Sonic: Wow!
Tails: This is a good match.
Weiss comes to attack, as Bolin uses his staff to fight back.
Weiss sets down a white circle for Ruby to jump on to attack Bolin. Both of their weapons hit, as they made a big clash. Ruby shoots, as Bolin falls to the ground.
Bolin goes back up and runs towards them. Wiess and Ruby goes to hit Bolin, but he dodges it, as he breaks a fire crystal.
Ruby: Whaaat?
Bolin throws the fire crystal to Reese as she puts it in her board. Reese goes to get Nadir and goes past him as it melts the ice freeing him. Reese kicks Blake with her fire dust, as Blake hits the ice. Reese stomps with her board to hit Blake, but Blake dodges it. Blake goes away as she throws her weapon to the wall.
Reese follows Blake as she see her standing there.
As Reese goes to hit Blake, Blake uses a fire clone, as her weapon was attached to a wall, stopping Reese and kicking her out of bounds.
The audience cheers as the first one was out.
Sonic: Nice one, Blake!
Tails: That's the first one down.
Port: Ooooh, double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ring out and Aura Level!
Oobleck: Ohh she really should've worn a helmet.
Nadir was going to shoot Weiss, but Weiss uses her gravity dust as she kicks Bolin and Nadir to the ice field. Weiss uses it again, as the two were flying as the ice turns into a ice ball, capturing them. The ice ball moves as Arslan uses her string to get to them.
Arslan charges up her punch as she breaks the ice freeing them.
Weiss: Yang! Now!
Weiss makes a ice path for Yang to go on. Blake throws the weapon to Yang and Yang grabs it. Yang jumps on the ramp and Ruby gives Blake a boost as Yang and Blake were both in the air. Blake swings her weapon, as Yang let go of it as she was flying to them. Yang releases a powerful punch, launching them to a wall as the battle was over.
Yang: Yes!
Port: And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!
The audience cheers as Team RWBY were the winners.
Sonic: All right! They won!
Tails: That was a good match.
Weiss: We did it?
At the fairgrounds:
Ruby: We did iiiiiiiiii—is anyone else starving?
Blake: I may have worked up an appetite.
Blake stomach growls loudly.
Weiss: Gee, If only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh, wait.
Ruby: It's okay, Weiss. I forget about the fairgrounds too.
Weiss: I was being facetious.
Ruby: Wh— Well, If you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!
Sonic: Mind if we join.
A familiar voice appeared as Team RWBY sees Sonic and Tails.
Yang: No way!
Blake: It can't be...!
Weiss: What?!
Ruby: Sonic!
Ruby jumps on Sonic.
Sonic: He he. Hey, Ruby.
Ruby: Aww! I miss you so much! Tails, your here also!
Tails: Yeah I am.
Yang: It's been a while huh?
Sonic: It sure was.
Blake: You guys came.
Sonic: Of course we came back! We saw the battle you guys did. It was so cool!
Tails: Yeah your teamwork was amazing.
Ruby: Thanks guys.
Weiss: How'd u get here?
Sonic: Remember what I said before? Tails would make a portal to visit u guys.
Tails: That's right.
Weiss: But you'll need to be careful. There's guards out there that can—
Ruby: There fine.
Sonic, Tails: Huh?
Ruby: I told Ozbin about you guys and that u helped us get back home, so your good here.
Sonic: All right! Anyway, where are we gonna eat?!
Yang: I know just the place.
Weiss gets a call from her father, but doesn't answer.
Emerald: Hey! Might be hard to eat without this!
Ruby: Huh? No, no no no.
Emerald: Ha ha ha, good to see you, Ruby.
Emerald gives Ruby her wallet.
Ruby: Oh, thanks, Emerald!
Emerald: Who's the two new guys.
Ruby: Oh. These are my friends from another world. The blue one is Sonic, and the yellow one is Tails.
Emerald: They came from another world?
Ruby: I know, it's crazy.
Sonic: Hey there.
Tails: Nice to meet you.
Emerald: Yeah, you too.
Yang: What's up, Em?
Emerald: Just left the stadium after watching your amazing fight. You guys were awesome!
Ruby then mumbles.
Ruby: Oh stop it shut your little stupid face.
Sonic: Don't mind her.
Blake: I heard your team progressed the next round, too.
Weiss: You know, I feel like we never see your other teammates.
Yang: How'd they do in the fight?
Emerald: Umm...
Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder were fighting the other team, as one of them fall to the ground. Neo with a black dress goes next to him as her eyes were green to pink and brown  and stomps on him.
End of flashback:
Emerald: Really well.
Ruby: That's great! Uh, why don't we all go out and get some victory food together?
Emerald: Oh! Gosh, that is so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of... introverted.
They all looked at Mercury as he sniffs a metal part.
Emerald: Really socially awkward.
Tails: Wow.
Yang: Oooh, yeah. I could see that.
Sonic: Who's he?
Emerald: That's Mercury, but I call him Merc.
Yang: I like to fly to Mercury. Huh? Guys?
Sonic: That time wasn't funny.
Yang: Sorry.
Emerald: So yeah. Looks like Merc and I will be moving on to the doubles round. What about you guys?
Ruby: Well as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision.
Weiss: We put it to a vote.
Ruby: Uhh yes, but I decided that we should put it to a vote.
Blake: We voted for Weiss and Yang.
Weiss: I will happily represent Team RWBY.
Yang: Yeah, we're gonna kick some butt!
Emerald: Well, If Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya.
Yang: Wouldn't Have it any other way.
Emerald: Alright. Well, we're going go catch some more fights.
Ruby: Have fun!
Emerald: See you later!
Mercury: Who's the two new guys?
Emerald: The blue one is Sonic and the yellow one is Tails. Apparently they came here from another world.
Mercury: What do you suppose they are doing here?
Emerald: I don't know, but we'll have to keep an eye on them.
With Sonic and the rest:
Sonic, Tails, and Team RWBY were getting something to eat.
As they got their food, Weiss goes to pay the meals for all of them, but the card was declined.
Weiss: What? How can my card be declined?
Sonic: That's tragic.
Weiss: Shut up!
As Blake tries to keep her food, the shop owner takes Blake's food.
Blake: Nooooo.
Pyrrha: Maybe I can help?
Sonic: Huh?
Team JNPR sees Team RWBY sitting down.
Ruby: Pyrrha!
Yang: Aw, you don't have to!
Blake: But she could!
Pyrrha: Well, I think you all earned it after that battle.
Nora: Yeah! It was so cool! Also, oh my gosh! It can't be!
Sonic: Hmm?
Tails: Uhh?
Nora then hugs the two.
Nora: Oh my gosh! You two are sooo cute!
Sonic: C-Can you s-stop holding me?...
Tails: Please...
Nora let's go if them.
Pyrrha: You must be Sonic and Tails.
Sonic: Yep, that's us.
Jaune :Ruby told us about you two.
Sonic: Of course. It's Ruby.
Ruby: He he.
Tails: What are your names.
Jaune: My name's Jaune.
Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha.
Nora: I'm Nora.
Ren: And I'm Ren.
Sonic: Nice to meet you guys.
Blake: Can we please eat now?!
Pyrrha: Yeah sure.
Jaune: We'll join too.
After eating their meals:
Everyone was finished with their meals as they all were full.
Ren: Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?
Pyrrha: Of course! It will give us energy.
Sonic: She's right. Man, that was great!
Tails: Sonic, I don't feel so good.
Sonic: Come on, Tails, you can handle it.
Jaune: Ughhh. If I barf, I'm blaming you.
Nora: Oh! Aim it at the enemy!
Ren: Nora! That's disgusting, but if you do feel the urge...
Jaune: Got it.
Pyrrha: Well, we should be off.
Ruby: So, you think you guys are ready?
Nora: Of course! We've got a world renowned fighter on our team, what's basically a ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune, we've trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and uh... Jaune!
Sonic: Jaune?
Ren: Are you gonna take that?
Jaune: She's not wrong...
Nora: I'm kidding! He knows I'm kidding. Don't be so nervous! The worst that could happen is we lose! Then it's just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces again in class, no one will sit with us in the cafeteria, Ren and I have no parents, we have no home left to go to, we'll be officially renamed Team Loseiper! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
Tails: Are you okay?
Sonic: That's kinda deep.
Ren: Sooo Yeah. We're feeling pretty good.
Pyrrha: Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines and not... well, murderers:
Yang: Yeah, don't sweat it! We've all faced way worse before.
Blake: Let's see; Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath.
Ruby: And a dark being! Oh, imagine what it'll be like when we graduate!
Weiss: Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal...
Sonic: He he.
Weiss: Shut up you!
A sudden announcement came from the intercom.
Port: Would Team JNPR please report to the battle grounds immediately.
Oobleck: Yes! Like they were scheduled to several minutes ago!
Pyrrha: Well, it looks like this is it.
Ruby: Go get em!
Sonic: Beat their butts, guys!
They all walked off to the stadium.
In the stadium:
Sonic, Tails, and Team RWBY were in the stadium as they see Emerald and Mercury at the other side.
Emerald and Mercury we're sitting down waiting for the match.
Mercury was eating popcorn.
Mercury: I wonder who's gonna win.
Emerald: Tch. As if we didn't already know.
Cinder: Oh, come now. Even if you know how a story ends, that doesn't make it any less fun to watch.
Emerald: Cinder, we saw some two guys with Team RWBY and their not from here. We should be careful about them.
Mercury: Ha ha! Seriously! They probably don't even know how to fight!
Cinder: Don't judge the book by it's cover. You never know. They can even beat you.
Mercury: Hey!
Emerald: He he!
Team JNPR goes in the arena, they were going up against another team.
Port: Team JNPR Of Beacon Verdi's Team BRNZ of Shade!
The map changes from what side will it change from.
The left side was a forest and the right side was the mountains and thunder.
Port: Three... two... one...
Ruby: Wooo!
Sonic: Let's go guys!
Port: Begin!
The match then starts, as they all go battle each other.
And that's the first chapter of  Sonic x RWBY volume 3. Hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!

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