•MiniShaw Fluff•

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•Harry's Pov•
I woke feeling the sunlight hit my bare chest, which woke me up quick. I felt something heavy on me, after adjusting to the lighting, I noticed that Simon was awake on his phone.
"Good morning." I mumbled still being half asleep.
"Oh. Good morning." Simon says with a smile.
"What are we doing today? Anything going on with the others?" I ask.
I get silence for a little before a answer. "Well, the others are going out to the trampoline park. They also asked us if we wanted to go. I don't have to do anything today." Simon answers back with. "What time is it at?" I ask wondering if I can take a shower before we go.
"1:30 there leaving but it's at 2:00." Simon says back. "Well, what time is it?" I say.
"12:40" Simon replies with.
"Uhhh fuck. I gonna get in the shower, you can come with me if you want." I said.
I start pushing Simon off my chest and start walking to our bathroom.

•Time Skip to after getting ready•
I look at the time and see I have ten minutes.
"SIMONNNN!!!" I yell.
"WHATTTTT?" I hear Simon tell back.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT!?" I screamed.
I start getting out a pan and getting all the ingredients for the sandwich.
After making us both a sandwiches, I hear Vik come downstairs and ask if me and the others were ready to go. I pass Simon his sandwich, and in return I get a kiss on the forehead.
•Time skip to when they got there•
We started recording us doing flips into the foam pit. Since we were all taking turns, when it came up to my turn my arm missed the foam pit and broke my arm.
I screamed in pain when I hit it. Simon knew I was in pain from my scream. He ran up and told the other sidemen to call 999. They got a worker to help get harry out of foam pit.
Please wait for part 2 I'm tired 357 words.

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