KankriXReader Just be Quiet

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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" (Name) bounced happily, dragging her morail behind her. "(Name), you're impatince is slightly triggering." Kankri stated simply, stumbling over rocks and other crap. "And may I please take off this blindfold? I can't see and I'm feeling very triggered by it." He tugged at the blindfold with his free hand in an annoyed fashion. "Just a little longer~!" She pleaded, pulling him along. "Trust me, it's totally worth it!' Kankri sighed in a defeated manner. He didn't understand why he needed a blindfold in the first place, he'd probably be just as surprised without one. But he knew that once she had you're heart set on something, she wasn't gonna back down. It was one of the many reasons he loved her. Wait. Hold up one second. Love? No no no no. Maybe liked.... A LOT... But not love... They were morails. Just, morails.
The red-blooded troll shook his head in attempt to clear it. he had to stop thinking such triggering thoughts! Besides... She'd never really like him back...

(Name) let go of his hand and stopped suddenly, causing him to bump into her."Okay!" She clasped her hands together excitedly."Here we are~! Isn't it absolutely beautiful?" "(Name)..." he sighed, he was starting to get slightly annoyed with the whole blindfold thing. "Oh, right!" She carefully untied the blindfold -mindful of the horns- and put it in her sweater pocket. A cool summer breeze swirled around them, rustling the tall grass and making him shiver, despite the fact it was mid-summer. When his blank eyes adjusted to the absence of light, Kankri looked around confused, it was just a grassy field... What was so special about it? It's not like it held any special memories, or beauty. It was just a unkempt, dark field. "(Name), I don't understand... Why are we here?" He asked, turning to her and raising an eyebrow. Even though it was dark he could still make out her perfect features. Being a troll and all, he was almost nocturnal. Her (h/l), (h/c) floated ever so slightly in the breeze, and her (e/c) orbs shone brightly "Because the view is so lovely!" She said giving him a bright smile. Confused, he looked around again. View of what? There was nothing to look at besides grass. Lots and lots of grass"I'm truely sorry, but I still don't see what you're talking about..." He huffed slightly.

"That's because you're looking in the wrong place, silly!" Before he could respond, she wrapped her (s/t) arms around his waist and, pulled him to the ground along with her. "Ah!" He gasped at the unexpected action. He fell in the sitting position in-between her legs, her arms still loosely around his waist. "(Name)! it is extremly triggering to pull someone down like that! You co-" She quickly covered his mouth with her, small hand "Just be quiet, kay? Trust me." She then gently tilted his head up to the sky.

His eyes widened slightly, and she removed your hand, letting it fall in his lap. The sky was an extreamly dark indigo and was littered with thousands of stars. The longer he stared, the more there seemed to be. They could be seen so clearly due to the absence of city lights. It was truly beautiful. "Wow..." he breathed. (Name) smiled and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, breathing in his sweet, minty smell. He felt his cheeks heat up slightly, only just now realising how close she was. Under normal circumstances, he'd feel extremely violated and triggered. But right then, with her snuggled up so close to him, he couldn't help but feel so happy and warm. He didn't fully understand it, but a little voice in the back of his head gave him hints. Could it really be that he was flushed for her?

Looking back on it, every time she smiled, he found it hard to speak. Yes, that's right HE, Kankri Vantas, talker extraordinaire found it hard to speak. And every time he saw her with Cronus or any other troll, he felt slightly sad and jealous. Then there's the fact that every time he wasn't with her he'd make up a lame excuse just to go see her. And if he saw her out and about, he'd secretly follow her. Okay. Yeah. He was flushed for her. She was so adorable and always listened to him. He always just denied any non-pail feelings toward anyone else... He just didn't want to get hurt or hurt someone else...

Maybe he should tell her. At least that way he can get the rejection over with and hopefully stop these feelings before they got too serious. Then there's always the fact that it could ruin their friendship... But Kankri quickly reminded himself that (Name) isn't like that. She'd still be his friend even if he felt red towards her.

"Hey (Name)...?" "Hmm?" She hummed, resting her head in the crook of his neck. He took in a small breath " I uh.. Um... Thank you for bringing me here... It's very.. Peaceful.." Damn it. "No problem Kan!" She said happily. "N-n-no I uh... What I meant was um.." The one time he needed his voice, it wasn't there! He pulled away from her grasp and turned to face her. Taking deep breaths he attempted to regain his composure. He opened his mouth; about to speak with new confidence, but as soon as her stunning (e/c) eyes met his softly glowing orbs, he lost it again. "I...."

He sighed. Well if he couldn't use his words he'd use his actions. "Trigger warning; possible slap to the face". He then grabbed her arms and forced his lips onto hers, hoping he was doing it right -after all he'd never kissed someone before-. She immediately tensed up, which gave him the impression that he'd made a mistake. He started to pull back when she started to gently return the kiss, causing sparks to fly. Now it was his turn to be shocked. Her arms wrapped around his neck, while his snaked around her waist. The feeling of her soft lips on his slightly chapped one was as beautiful as the sky. The kiss was short, but filled with amateur passion. They pulled away and (Name) smiled at him. "(Name) I cannot begin to say h-" she cut him off with a quick peck. "Just be quiet now, Kay?"

For the rest of the night they laid in the field, gazing happily at the stars.

Woo! I actually sorta did this! Kankri is probably OOC tho....


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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