Chapter 2

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A few days later as she sat in her living room she heard a gentle wrapping on the back door. Walking into the kitchen her heart quickened as she saw Gary standing outside the window, gently pacing as he waited for her to reach the door.

He looked up just as the door opened, his face lighting up with a smile. "I'm not bothering you am I?" He asked all of a sudden looking awkward.

"Of course not. How are you?" She asked just as Lucy pushed past her to reach Gary.

"Hello you" he said reaching down to rub behind her ears "I'm great thanks, I just wanted to pop by and see if I could borrow this one for a while? I'm heading out for a walk and thought she might be great company"

Looking down at Lucy she watched as her tail wagged and laughed. "you want to go for a walk with Gary?" She asked and Lucy barked her reply. "Well it seems that a yes from her" she said turning into the house and picking up her lead, nervously passing it through the door.

"we should only be an hour, I'll look after her I promise" He said taking the lead from her hand, noticing her hesitation.

"please do she's kind of precious" she said bending down to rub behind her ears, just as she liked. watching as they made their way to the gate, Lucy hardly even looking back as he walked her across the field back towards his house. "traitor" she laughed as she closed the door.

What a shame he hadn't invited us both she thought to herself as she picked up her laptop and tried to carry on with her work. A few minutes later she realised she could no longer concentrate and headed back into the kitchen. Opening the cupboards, she decided on heading to the shops to grab a few items whilst she was on her own.

As she had walked back home she had walked past the bakery and noticed it had shut early, she had really wanted a cake to have with her afternoon tea and so would have to make her own. A short while later she placed her cake in the oven and sat down at the kitchen table.

Waiting for them to return she kept an eye out the window, realising how long they had already been, by the fact that her baking was already complete. A short while later she saw them returning across the field, Lucy walking slowly by his side.

"Hi" she said opening the door as they came through the gate.

"Thank you for that" he said passing the lead back across to her " It was great, we ended up going for a run. I think I may have worn her out" He laughed.

"I'm glad you had a good time" She said feeling nervous all of a sudden. "Do you fancy a cuppa?" she blurted waiting for him to say no. She hadn't meant to ask, but it just slipped out.

"I'd love one thanks" he replied taking a step forward, entering the kitchen as she stood back.

Walking around the room he noticed all the small details that made it her home. Little pictures dotted the walls of her friends. Standing back he looked at them, noticing how happy she looked in every photo, it was nice to have a little glimpse into her life. Laughing as he reached the end he saw a photo of the girls all stood around a giant picture from one of their concerts, faces beaming with excitement. Looking closer he saw he saw where a few of their hands were placed, which had made him laugh even more.

As he turned around he noticed her blushing as she realized which photo he was looking at. Pouring the water into the cups she passed his over and put the milk and sugar on the table in front of him. Taking a seat opposite, she asked about how he was finding the village and if he had managed to visit anywhere else nearby.

"I've started to make a list of places I'd like to visit. Maybe you could let me know of any things I should do whilst I visit them?" he asked finishing his tea

"Of course, just pop it by anytime and I can have a look for you" She smiled across at him.

"That would be great thank you. I should be getting off" He said standing up, " I have telephone interviews to do this afternoon"

"okay, thank you for taking her out earlier, she certainly looks like she enjoyed herself" She said looking under the table where Lucy lay curled up.

"My pleasure" he said opening the door and stepping through. As he reached the gate he turned around "Would you like to join me tomorrow if I go on another walk? Maybe you could show me a different area?"

"I'd love to" she said unable to keep them smile from her face.

She closed the door as he made his way back across the field, still smiling at their plans for the next day.

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