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yeosang grimaces, shutting his car door behind him. he sighs, sitting motionless in the driver's seat, staring ahead of him with a dead expression on his face. he reached into his pocket, shoving his cigarettes into the glove box, shutting it quickly before fumbling with his keys. he eventually got it into the ignition, sighing as he sat there for another minute, random thoughts echoing softly in his head. what if he just didn't go home, and he stayed here? he wouldn't have to face his asshole of a brother. he thought, before shaking his intrusive thoughts away. 

he eventually turns his car on, the motor turning over and he pulls out of the school parking lot. he rolls down the street slowly, one hand pressed against his cheek, the other resting on the wheel lazily. he watches as one guy crossing the street slipped and fell on the ice, immediately seeing as the same person quickly got up and pretended like it never happened. yeosang snorted, attempting to conceal his laughter as he continued to snake his way out of the parking lot.

he drives away, sitting at another intersection, when he hears a loud screech. he curses, seeing a car quickly appearing in his rear-view mirror, and another flying towards him, from his left at a fast pace.

"shit-" he says, making an attempt to turn the steering wheel and pull forward and out of the way. the car barely managed to scoot forward an inch, before everything came at once. his windshield was shattered down to the last inch. his ears rung loudly, his vision hazy as he gripped his stomach.

the steering wheel pressed into the soft flesh of his abdomen, making him groan in pain. "fuck!" he yells, clenching his teeth as he tried to push the wheel out of his stomach and failing, much to his luck. 

the burning hot feeling of pain sliced across his abdomen, warm liquid trickling onto the fabric of his shirt. he felt his vision go hazy, the car spinning slightly.

"fucking hell man." he curses, the interior of the car going fuzzy before he fell into darkness.

"kang yeosang, age 17, severe lacerations to his lower abdomen, possible cracked ribs and a massive concussion. seat belt was not used, airbags somehow did not go off." a voice says, and yeosang blinked, bright white lights above him making him wince.

he reached for his legs, seeing the straps. he looks around, realizing he wasn't in his car anymore. he was in an ambulance, with multiple EMT workers shuffling around the cabin with things in their hands.

he felt a hand press to his arm, and he winced, flinching. red hot pain spread all over his body, his body extremely sore and sensitive. yeosang went to go talk, when someone immediately hushed him, stopping him in his tracks. 

"you might have a collapsed lung, try not to talk too much, you could move things around in there. you're being transported to the hospital." someone says softly, her brown hair tied up behind her head, the ponytail swaying with her graceful movements and her bangs hanging over her forehead.

yeosang nods carefully, sighing as he looked out the window behind him. he was suddenly aware that the sirens were loud. and annoying.

there was another ambulance following behind them, but they were a ways back so it was hard to make out what the driver looked like.

trees flew by quickly, and before yeosang knew it, he was in the hospital being wheeled quickly into a room, his body being jostled around and moved carelessly.

he was placed on a bed, nurses immediately moving to his sides to get an iv running, a metallic taste filling his mouth as they flushed it out after drawing blood.

he just let them do what they needed to do, his mind blank and his body numb. he lost track of how many times he slipped in and out of consciousness, everything blurry and fuzzy in his mind.

"we need to take him to x-rays, then surgery. OR 3 is open, dr. ahn was just finishing up on another trauma patient." someone says, before his vision goes black again.



the room was white. it was eerily quiet, except for the heart monitor chirping on his bedside and another patient lying in the bed next to him sleeping, his body deadly stiff, with the exception of his shallow breathing forcing his chest to rise and fall shakily. 

he sighed, hitting the call button. he then asked to use the bathroom, which a male nurse awkwardly helped him do, including wiping him- which yeosang hated the feeling of. 

once he was situated again and he was sitting back down on his bed, noticing that the human on the bed looked terribly familiar. his jet black hair fell perfectly over his forehead, his eyebrows done perfectly, just like they had been earlier today. 

it was the boy from the bathroom.

well shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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