I Love You (LL)

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(Hey, warning. Some sensitive topics are here. Watch out.)

It was about 10:35 when Lillian looked down at her young son, a smile on her face. He giggled, holding her bouquet of Lillies and roses.

"Are you okay, gavy?" She asked, kneeling down to his height. He nodded excitedly. She smiled and scooped him up in her arms. "Good, I'm glad. You ready to go see daddy and Elijah?" She asked as she spun around with him. "My little bride's maid~" she cooed as her mother and father barged in. She jumped a little, holding Gavin tighter.

"Hello Lillian." Her father stated, a less than thrilled tone in his voice. She smiled, knowing that her parents at least came. "I see you have your... accident with you." She blinked and looked down at Gavin, holding him tighter.

"I know you do not approve of my sons and fiancé, but if you've come only to insult them, leave." She snapped, her mother and father looking appalled at her tone. "It's my wedding day, and the last thing I need is you two disrespecting my family!"

"It's not a family, it's a trap. You were trapped with babies to an abusive monster!" Her mother cried with a worried tone.

"You never gave Lucas a chance! You barely know him!"

"He raped you!" Her father yelled, walking up to her and smacking her, "stupid girl!" Lillian managed to catch herself before her and Gavin landed. She put Gavin behind her and stood up,

"Out. Now. Or I call security" she demanded as her parents left, feeling their daughter had completely lost her common sense. She sighed and closed the door, looking at Gavin. He toddled up to her and hugged her leg, feeling she needed it. She began to sob a little, holding him close. He wanted nothing more than to protect her.

Meanwhile, Lucas fixed Elijah's bow tie as he saw Lillian's parents leave. He had a feeling something happened and scowled,

"Bastards..." he muttered, which Elijah then repeated. Lucas began to panic "No don't copy that! Don't say that Elijah! Mommy will kill me!"  To which he received a giggle. He rolled his eyes and picked him up, "you got the ring, buddy?"

"Yes daddy!" Elijah smiled, trying to pull it out. Lucas stopped him, setting him down at his side.

"Good. Now we wait. Do I look okay?" He asked, knowing a five year old wouldn't give good advice.  He stood and looked toward the door.

They had chosen an nature themed wedding. While it wasn't outside, it was in a botanical garden and that was good enough for them. The garden was beautiful, and they had saved up for some time to rent it. It also saved them the trouble of finding a flower girl, because they didn't know any children. It was a nice sunny day, though they thought choosing a later time would've been better, they liked the idea of the sun being at high noon. It was a small wedding, not a lot of people were there. Some doctors they met and coworkers. Lucas knew more people than Lillian but most of his friends didn't want to be caught dead at a wedding. Only his friend, Trevor, came. He had been with Lucas through a lot and was happy to accept the invitation. Neither Lillian nor Lucas's parents arrived. In this moment though, neither of them cared.

The music began, and Lucas looked upon his soon to be wife, Gavin walked in front of her proudly.  Lucas smiled softly, rubbing his eye a little. While they did not choose the classic "Here Comes the Bride" for the march down the aisle, they were both happy with "Not Tomorrow."

Lillian and Gavin reached the end of the aisle, the music continuing as Gavin took the bouquet and Lucas took Lillian's hands.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Lucas Hunter and Lillian Alexis in matrimony-" Lillian smiled at Lucas, neither of them were religious or cared much so they didn't have any religious ties in their marriage. Also honestly god would hate them both. "Lucas, do you have the ring?" The pastor asked. Lucas nodded and got it from Elijah.

"Hey angel, might I just start this off with, you look beautiful. Like honestly stunning." They both chuckled as he continued his vows, "Just like the day I met you.. from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I loved you... I don't know what it was about you but you just set something off in me. My heart skipped a beat, my whole world felt like it was suddenly in color, as if it wasn't before! You're everything I could've asked for... you're sweet, caring, soft, your hair beautifully glows, your skin reflects the sun.. you literally are like an angel sent from god! You make me want to be a better person just because I love you so much and I want to be enough! Just... I can't even put it into words how amazing I think you are, Lillian! You're perfect in my eyes.." he stopped for a second to look at her, to see she was crying. He began to panic and whipped her tears quickly. After doing so he touched their foreheads together and whispered softly to her, "I love you Lillian, and doing this is such an honor... I do vow to everything. I give myself to you." He said as he slid the ring onto her tiny hand. She rubbed her eyes, trying to gain the ability to talk through her tears.

"Luca..." she said as she took a deep breath, looking at Gavin and Elijah, "you know, they're being really patient with us. I'm surprised.." they chuckled as Gavin tried to hand her the ring already, she took it and thanked him. "Honestly, I never thought I'd be getting married already, I never thought I'd have a family already... I honestly expected to be trapped in an arranged marriage... but this is my decision and I wouldn't change it for the world... you're handsome Lucas, really handsome. You're also intelligent and kind, you have a soft side. Everyone else who has ever talked about you was wrong.. they don't know you. They don't know you like I know you. They know the tough guy, and while you are a tough guy you're a big softy!" Lucas blushed at the comment, looking over at Travis who just had a giant grin on his face. Lillian pulled his face back towards her as she continued, "I mean, just look at Gavin and Elijah.. our babies.. you were so sweet and caring and protective when I was pregnant and when I gave birth. I couldn't ask for a more caring and thoughtful man to have children with." She paused for a minute to catch her breath, and to think.

"I love you Lucas, no matter what. The world could turn against us and I'd still love you. I don't know what I'd do without you... I love you, forever and always." She slid the ring onto his finger, "I do..." she whispered as she looked up at him. It was clear in both their eyes that they were in an unbreakable love, they were meant to be. In that moment, everyone could tell that nothing else mattered to them but each other. Lucas wrapped his arms around Lillian's waist and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. Nothing mattered, nothing but their love... and their sons.

Gavin and Elijah has grown tired and walked down the aisle, trying to escape. Travis caught them both and held them

"You can't leave yet, lil dudes. Mommy and daddy are doing stuff." Both boys looked like they could be shot and they'd be happier. Lillian and Lucas pulled away and just chuckled as the crowd clapped. They looked and noticed Gavin and Elijah were trying to escape. Lucas and her walked down the aisle and grabbed the boys from Travis. They went into the dining area to eat and cut the cake.

The whole day seemed like magic.

Years later

Lillian looked down at the divorce papers Gavin and Elijah made Lucas sign. All she had to do was turn them in and she'd be free... she knew it was the alcohol that changed Lucas though. She knew how it changed his dad. She knew he could change, as long as he got sober... he was still the man she loved.

With that, she threw the papers in the fire and went to find the man she loved.


"Why are you trying to save me? You think I can change?" Lucas groaned, holding a bottle in his hands.

"I love you!" Lillian yelled, startling him. He had never seen her yell, unless she was really mad. Something in the way she said it though.. it startled him more.  "Just put the alcohol away, Luca.. you don't need it!"

"Yeah, you think you know everything don't you-" he retorted, receiving a harsh smack. He grabbed her hand and looked her dead in the eyes, to which he saw fear and anguish.. it scared him. He never meant to hurt her, not like this. He let her go and stepped back, "I'm sorry, Lillian"

"Just drop the booze, Lucas.." she begged, pulling it out of his hand.

"It's not that easy..."

"Then let me help! Please..." he sighed, pulling her into a hug.

"Okay... I'll try.."

"I love you, Lucas"

"I love you too, angel.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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