Abdullah's past final

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Abdullah's POV:
'You mean saturday'
'give me the exact time and promise me you will tell me everything' i said he hummed in answer

I want my family to be happy as before i want my father to be happy


"Baba its Saturday" i spoke to baba as he comes to the dinning room

"Yes beta i know"baba seemed upset

"After breakfast we will talk okay"he said sitting on his chair at the dinning table

"Baba if you don't wanna talk about that then don't" i said as he looked at me in a shock

"Beta you deserve to know the truth" he replied looking at his meal again

"But baba i don't want you to be tensed and sad" i said looking at him

He didn't reply and so i stopped talking

We eat breakfast quietly

"Beta come to the lounge let's talk"baba said as he stood up from his chair of the dinning table

I hummed in answer while following his steps

We are sitting in a sofa we are facing each other

"Where should i start" baba said

"Baba start from wherever you want" i replied making him comfortable

"Okay so you just have to listen don't talk in between" he ordered me

"Okay baba"

"It was when you were two years old" he started

"We love each other so much i still love her" he stopped took a deep breath

And started again "we married cuz it was your dadi's wish and so we were happy with each other we it was all going great untill your dadi started acting up she changed her behavior towards shaika .... We asked her many times that why is she being like this but she never told us and so on she started creating misunderstandings between us but at the end of the day we clear all the misunderstanding between us cuz we know it was your dadi's doing but one day what she created between us wasn't just a misunderstanding it was something which created space between us we tried to solve the misunderstanding in our ways but it didn't worked out this time in the end we just decided to give each other space but that space created more misunderstandings and then we decided to be separated your sister was just 1 year old so i can't take her away from her mother but without asking i separated you from her she was crying to meet you one last time but i didn't let her ...
Your dadi was with us all the time but one day i overheard your dadi talking to someone on the phone that "see how shaika's mom was so arrogant all the time and now she can't even talk with me that's what i did to her daughter she will remember until the day she dies that what its like to be on my bad side" my breath stopped for a second that my ammi did all these things i didn't think a minute and asked her to leave me and my house so after many years when she was at her last stage i forgotten what she did to us especially your ammi" baba took a deep breath after talking continuously

"Baba then why didn't you try to meet her and get back my lil sister and ask her to forgive us?" I asked my baba

"I did but it was too late she was married and was living happily with her new husband i still know her place but didn't have enough courage to meet her" baba replied

"Baba can you take me to them i want to meet my sister?" I requested to baba

"Beta it will be so good if you will go meet her i will take you to their house and will meet them with you"baba replied

I am so happy that i will meet my ammi and lil sister" okay baba then when should we go"?i asked baba

"Next saturday until than i will have enough courage to face them in Sha Allah" baba replied with a smile

With that our coversatiion ended and we were waiting for next Saturday eagerly a lil bit happily but we were a lil bit nervous too

*next Saturday*

"Abdullah wake up" dad said while shaking me up

"Oh we are here" i said while opening my eyes in excitement looking at baba

"You didn't sleep all night right?" Baba asked while i was looking at haya's house

"Yes baba which one is their house tho" i asked

"This one beta" baba replied pointing towards haya's gate

Wtfudge how can this bE this shouldn't be i can't handle this it should be a mistake i think my baba is mistaken

With these thoughts i didn't even realised that baba was out near their gate and already talking to their guard i should care about my baba's feelings now i shouldn't care about mine with that i step outside of my car

"Beta come" baba said while going inside

"So how can i believe you are her real father"uncle asked while we were sitting at drawing room

Baba gave him picture of her and ammi now i guess he believes us

After minutes of waiting we finally meet haya and get to know that my ammi is no more she died when haya was 8 i was 9

Okay so this is just so awkward i guess all that familiar feelings toward haya was just blood related but with my friends i took the wrong guess its so embarrassing

Haya's POV:
I was laying down on my prayer mat after when i heard a knock on my door it must be chacha he came in smiling widely "haya your real father and brother is here to meet you come downstairs they are waiting" i didn't get it at first like what is he even saying its so sudden why all of a sudden they are here out of nowhere

I am so nervous what will we even talk about and at the same time i am so happy that i will meet my real father

I entered inside drawing room and sat beside my dad "she is haya your daughter" dada said

I looked at my father than my brother wait WHAT EVEN what is he doing here that means he was coming here all the time cuz he knew i was his sister???

"Haya its such a beautiful name" baba said my real father i am so happy that he is here but why all of a sudden i want to ask him so many questions regarding my ammi and more

After so many awkward talks i am here in my room again thinking about them and will thay ask me to come live with them if yes that will be so good i don't know if they are nice but they seem to be so nice and most of all i can guess that they love me that's why they are here after all

Abdullah's POV:
I haven't seen baba smiling like this it was all awkward but things will get escalated quickly in Sha Allah i will ask baba to get her custody...........




INSIDE'S BEAUTYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ