Chapter 7

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"Wait, so Bolin's had an adopted daughter this entire time?!" Mako said.

"Yea, Jade. She's an Firebender" I say looking at my nails before walking down the hall to see Prince Diko standing there watching as Kuvira struts around the room.

"Hello your highness" I say as I approach him. He smiles and his eyes shine behind his glasses before he nods.

"Sir, I'm sorry about the coronation"

"Oh don't be Amaya, it's my brother who want to be King. It's my sister and I who don't" he smiles as we start walking.

"And why is that sir?"

"You don't need to treat me like I'm high and mighty. We're friends" he smiles. "Besides, Wu only wants to be king because he's a nonbender. My sister and I are benders"

"Have you ever tried Probending?" I smirked. He shook his head with a somewhat confused look.

"Well trust me, you're going to love it"


That afternoon, we walked into the arena and set up the teams.

"Team Captains. Mako and Mika" We had Haru as the referee.

"Diko, why don't you watch for the first one" I smile. He nods and sits down with Haru.

"Mako. Pick first"

"Amaya" he says immediately.

"Amaya bends fire. Mako come on" Haru says.

"Well, she's my Earthbender then" he says. I groan and go to his side.

"I pick Bolin as my Earthbender. I will be bending Water" Mika smiled.

"Korra as my waterbender" Mako smirks.

"Jade, come on" Mika says.

"I'm not a-"

"Oh cut it. We all know you bend fire too" Jade sighs and trudges over before joining Mika.

"And Go!"

We all start shooting elements at one another. The familiar feeling of probending comes back slowly letting me take in the adrenaline of dodging flames that come from Jade.

"Mako! Stop being an idiot and come on!" Korra screams as Mako is almost hit was a rock cylinder from Bolin.


"Yay! We win!" Mika fluttered around beaming after she had knocked me back into the cold water.

"Well if Mako had been paying attention instead of gawking at the wall like a otterduck we would've stood a chance!" I said walking back to Diko who got up looking confident.

"Really?! Me?" Mako mumbled.

"Captains this time are.... Korra and Bolin." Haru barked from the referee's spot.

"I pick Diko" Korra smiled. He smiles and walks to her side.

"Mika.. Water bending" Bolin smiles.

"Mako" Korra said with a glint in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"Amaya" Bolin smiles.



After about two hours of matches, we finally resorted to who could not who off the most which led to all of us walking home drenched from head to toe. We sloshed and we took a step and laughed the entire way back to Air Temple Island. I decided to take Diko back now since I was still on duty and I had to return him to the prestige of his normal life.

"Well, Prince Diko, I hope you had fun. This is where my duties end for the day. I'll see you tomorrow morning" I smile as I drop him off in front of the capital building.

I smile as I walk down the street trying to catch the last ferry over to the island yet still not in a hurry since I can just improvise if I need to. On the way there, I get this feeling someone is watching me.

After a few minutes, I stop and turn to see a black silhouette standing behind me.

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