Schools not all that bad

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*Dippers POV*

"Come on bro bro!!" Maple said as she dashed in front of me."Mabel...."I said right before Mabel tried to open the door and it wouldn't budge. I just started to laugh and she looked back and staid "What's so funny... Why are you laughing! Do you know something I don't?" My laugh slowed down to a chuckle "Mabel the doors don't open to another half hour." I looked back at her only to see her using her pouty face. Mabel and I decided to kill time I started to read journal 3 and Mabel decided to pull out her book and started to draw into it. Ever since Mabel and I went to Gravity falls 3 years ago we haven't been on our phones or tablets as much as we used to. The knew that nature could be so fun hint hint I did. While I was reading the journal I found a page.... I looked at Mabel and said,"What if he comes back, Mabel? What if he finds a way to come back and this time we can't stop him? What if-" I was cut off by Mabel,"Whoa bro bro calm down. Who are you talkin about?"I looked at her with a confused look on my face and showed her the notebook "Oh..." She said as she looked at the notebook. For a second there I thought she forgot to Bill even existed. In my opinion it would be better that way. "Don't worry bro bro.... Bill's not coming back anytime soon. And if he does we still have the journals so it doesn't really matter." I looked back at her with a satisfied look. But I guess she saw through me because she look at me with a worried face I wasn't satisfied at all. I was still quite worried if Bill did come back, not only would Mabel and I be in danger.... but so would our parents and...the whole world. Inside doors finally opened and we started to head inside with the other kids. I had social anxiety so this was going to be hard. Mabel looked at me and started to chuckle I can't blame her I look pretty dumb. Seven or eight hours later school is finally over. I liked school but the fact is that Mabel he's trying to get me to make friends on my own is hard. My only friends are back in gravity falls with Soos and Wendy. I let out a sigh. Mabel chuckled in response "Well bro bro school isn't all that bad."she looked at me and smiled and we started to walk home.

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