My mate is NOT mine

Start from the beginning

"A bed." he said grinning. I looked around the room, all the beds are full. I shrugged my shoulders. "Your loss" I went back down and was about to sleep when I felt someone snuggling next to me. I turned my head seeing the guy. I narrowed my eyes at the back of his head before getting up and off the bed.

'Annoying' I mumbled. I turned around to see him take up the whole bed and I left. I walked around the streets seeing a variety of usual things, males trying to pick up females, drunk people littering the sidewalks around bars and even a midnight brawl involving two drunks.

Most men knew not to mess with me a long time ago. The last guy who tried was sent to the hospital, of course everyone knew who did it but nobody will tell and without a witness or any proof I couldn't be sent to jail. Of course I got in trouble by the Alpha but they never cared about me anyways. I was a rogue to them.

They treated me like dirt before and after that incident. For sending someone to the hospital they didn't let me go unpunished. They put crushed little shards of glass on the floor and made me kneel on them. Then they punched and kicked me everywhere and if I fell I landed on the glass and they would punch and kick for a few more minutes before letting go. If I didn't fall they would punch, kick and scrap till I did.

Then after that they made me clean the glass with my hands. It was a bloody mess. My wounds wouldn't heal till I got the glass out on some of the wounds the glass fell out and the wounds would heal themselves. I didn't associate with the wolves much. This punishment would happen to me every single time one of the wolves would say I did something. Of course the Alpha didn't care he would just wave us off to do it.

When they did it to me the first time. I fought back and they gave it to me double time. You could say most wolves would cry but my tears were gone, I shook my head not wanting to remember the old memories that were trying to resurface.

That's why when I find my mate I'm gonna reject him whoever he is. In two days from now it was the Alpha's son's birthday. Every one is invited, everyone except me. Which is a good thing because all I would get would be looks of disgust.

My wolf agreed we weren't going. She knows our past and she agree's with rejecting our mate. She and I know that both'll be tough but what can we do, our past was and our future will be worse.You want a hint about our past. Well here's the hint.

It was a blood bath and I was the main cause. My mind was disrupted by a muffled scream and crying. I walked down the alley to see a human male trying to get his way with a female. I walked up to him and punched him in the face instantly breaking his nose and making him stumble to the ground.

"Men should respect women's privacy." I snarled. The man crawled backwards before stumbling over and running away while holding his nose. I turned to the girl. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded and ran. I followed her quietly making sure she made it safely home. I wandered everywhere. My eyelids started to droop with sleep. I found an abandoned house near the edge of a forest and slept in there. The house was musty and cool but safe for the night, as there were no recent disturbance in it. I sat in the corner and fell asleep tired with hunger and weariness.

* * * * * *

In the morning, well mid-morning I left the house and wandered around the busy streets. I pick pocketed easily from careless people. When I reached Mcdonalds I counted up my money to find there was enough to buy a burger and a drink.

I finished paying and I gobbled the hamburger down and drank my soda. I over heard two female talking about what they should wear for the party. I rolled my eyes and walked away, mostly every wolf I passed looked at me with disgust if they even noticed me.

Pfft, If they only knew, If they only knew. I walked around town seeing nothing to do I sat on a bench in the park with my black jeans ripped on the knees and my black leather jacket which was nearly worn out. Would feel sexy in it if I could wash them regularly.

So tomorrow is Jack's birthday. I wonder who his mate's gonna be if it's Taylor this pack is crumbling to the ground before I could say "Told you so" if it's anyone else they'll stay alive I guess.

Today's the day I packed my bag because once there's a Luna I'm gone because Luna's especially in this pack would pick on me even more. I went to an abandoned garage where I hid my stuff the first day I came here. I looked around seeing dust covered the place. I dusted off my motorcycle and grabbed the backpack I hid from behind a safe. I rummaged through the back pack and got an oil can. I oiled my bike back to good health and made sure it was filled with gas. I put the backpack on the seat and left. Time had passed quickly, as it was getting dark so instead of wandering around I went back inside and fell asleep.

* * * * * *

Hey. New book. I know I got a whole bunch on hold but I couldn't resist the temptation to get a new idea out there. This and my other book I'm working on is the only ones I'm gonna try and complete. I'll try and Not start a new one but I can't make any promises. Hope you liked this book.

CoMmEnT, vOtE aNd FaN. :)

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