GiFT TaG NaMe TaG?

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I am doing a tag, I got this off google ahhaha

1) What type of idol would I want to be?I would want to be the mature one

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1) What type of idol would I want to be?
I would want to be the mature one

2)What company would I want to train in and why?
Stone Music Entertainment!
It's a company that produces great artists and I haven't yet seen any mistreatment? I may be wrong?

3) Would you debut as a group or a solo artist?
Probably a group so I wasn't lonely...

4) What type of music would I like to create?
Something that connects with people and something that means something to me

5)What position would I like to be in?
Hmmmm... Lead vocal

6)Rap line/ Dance line/ vocal Line

Vocal Line!

7)Stage Name and Why?
That's hard, I want it to mean something.
Maybe just Sid, as an extension of myself but someone else...

8) Collaboration? Who and why!

SO MANNYYYYY PEOPLEEEEEEE because I deeply respect every single person I would collaborate with!

Weekly idol because it's funny as!

10) Keep your fan account?

Yes >:)
I would love to interact with fans, I am still the same person!

I taggggg
And anyone else because I'm lazy

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