"It's okay." he said then laid me down on the bed.

"Go to sleep." he said kissing me on the forehead.

"I'm not tired anymore." I lied. Tomorrow we go back to London and I'm going to miss being around him so much.

"Don't lie." he said laying down next to him.

"I want to talk to you." I said putting my head on his chest.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked playing with my hair.

"What do you want your future to be like?" I asked.

"Well, I see myself marrying a very beautiful women and having a few kids with her. I see myself growing old with her and experiencing many things together." he said.

"Who is the girl?" I asked looking up at him.

"Kim Kardashian." he said smiling. I hit him in the ribs.

"Ouch!" he said "What was that for?" he asked laughing.

"Kim Kardashian?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm just kidding. Hopefully the girl will be my first love, Ava Diamond." he said then kissed my forehead.

"Yea,hopefully" I said then kissed him. As I pulled away I yawned.

"Bedtime." I said pulling the covers over me.

"You sound like a little kid." he said as he turned the lamp off.

"Be quite." I said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Night Ava." he said and kissed the back of my head.

"Night Zayn." I said then drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Zayn and I got up around 9. We packed our bags and checked out of the hotel.

"Thanks for the trip Zayn." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek as he started the car. He nodded then drove off.

After a few hours in the car we arrived to my apartment. Zayn helped me carry my bags up. I opened the door and set the bags down.

"So what do you have planned today?" I asked Zayn as I got us each water.

"The boys and I are going to an event for kids with cancer." he said with a smile. My heart melted.

"That's sweet." I said rubbing his back. He was about to kiss me when his phone rang.

"Ugh" I said walking away from him.

"Sorry." he said before answering.

He hung up about 3 minutes later.

"I have to get going." he said with an apologetic look.

"Okay." I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I had a great time with you Ava." he said after he kissed me.

"Me too." I said and gave him one last kiss before he closed the door.

It's only been a few hours since Zayn left and I already missed him. So I decided to do one thing that has made me always feel better, online shopping.

I got my parents credit card and my laptop and headed towards my bedroom. I jumped onto the bed and googled popular clothing stores and went crazy.

After about 30 minutes of browsing the sites I heard my phone ring.

"Hey Mom." I said. That's weird, she never calls me.

"Ava, I've got some bad news." she said sounding like she has been crying.

"What is it?" I said quickly

"It's Shay... She was in a car accident honey and I'm afraid she didn't make it." my jaw dropped. I listened to her tell me how her parents wanted a funeral for only family. No friends. I couldn't even go to my best friends funeral. I hung up and laid down staring at the ceiling.

I have been such a bad friend to her lately. We had our occasional phone calls and texts but I haven't seen her since March.

I began to cry. I tried to stop but I couldn't.

It was about 9 at night when Zayn began Calling me. I couldn't talk to him right now. I put him through so much and I don't want him to see me crying.

By the time it was 11 Zayn called me about 20 times and texted me 38 times.

It was around mid night and I haven't been crying but my eyes were extremely puffy and red. I got into the shower and washed my body off. I got out and put on an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of shorts.

I walked out into the living room and spotted my piano I've neglected for so long. I sat down on the bench and began playing. I was so into it I didn't realize I was crying. I also didn't realize Zayn had walked in.

"Oh sorry I didn't hear you come in." I said wiping my tears away quickly.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls and texts." he said walking toward me so he could see my face better.

"Have you been crying?" he asked wiping away a tear.

"No." I said then walked by him and sat cross cross on the couch.

"Don't lie Ava. What happened." he said sitting down next to me. For some reason those words triggered my tears to fall again.

"Its Shay." I said. "She.. She died." I said then covered my face with my hands.

"Oh Ava." he said then pulled me closer towards him. We didn't speak the rest of the night. We just say there. He held me while I cried myself to sleep. God, please let this be a dream.

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