Example 5

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Memorable Experience

     My first job was a PPDP in my village. PPDP is a person or representative from the village to realize a governmen assistance program for poor widows. The form of assistance was in the form of business capital. At the time, i had just graduated from high school. I accepted the job because my father told me, and i wait for the announcement from the university of new students, another reasons is i really wanted a new smartphone because mine was old. In my work, i was three partner. They were Enno, Ira and Eka. Everyday we always entitled to help. We went one by one of their (poor widows) keep track of what buainess they want, what kind they need with the funding. After the end the contract, i feel proud of my self. In directly our hardwork was very beneficial for them. Until now the widows had their own income even though they had no a husband and meet their own needs.


Writing by Ika Vivit Fitriany.

PARAGRAPH WRITING " Beginning to Work" #BOOK1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant