"I have to get going, good night Terushima-Kun." The girl bowed and started walking off.

- - -

tHe bOyS

Terushima: (L/N) is so cool!
Bobata: Seems like she got another person wrapped around her fingers
Futamata: Enlighten us, our dearest captain
Terushima: Hey! What is that suppose to mean!?
Izaka: It's late. Go to bed all of you.

The blonde put his phone away, sighing as he shoved a protein bar into his mouth. He was thinking about what the basketball captain had said. She just watched and copied. There wasn't any flaws. It was perfect. Almost too perfect.

Terushima groaned before turning his light off and laying in bed. He stared at the ceiling until his eyes began to droop and he fell asleep.

- - -
Girls Basketball Team:
(L/N) (Y/N); 2nd year; Captain; Point Guard; 7
Makki; 2nd Year; Vice; Guard; 23
Cho; 2nd Year; Post; 14
Nai; 2nd Year; Guard; 4
Noel; 2nd Year; Post; 1
Chey; 1st Year; Guard; 10
Brin; 1st Year; Guard; 5
Akii; 1st Year; Forward; 6
Kela; 1st Year; Forward 3
Hena; 1st Year; Post; 8
Sei; 1st Year; Guard; 00

"I heard the girls team is heading to the regional tournament."

Terushima and the other volleyball boys were walking around the school and that's all they could hear. Something about a girls team going to a tournament.

"Yeah. They went last year but they don't have any third years anymore."

"If they win regionals, they head to the All-Japan-Tournament right?"

"What are they talking about?" Terushima asked.
Izaka sighed, "Our basketball team? Do you not keep up with other sports but volleyball? Our girls team won qualifiers and are going to the regional tournament. The boys lost, so their season is over."
"Are they any good?" Futamata asked.

"Find out," a feminine voice interrupted their conversation. "We have a game here before regionals. Tonight at 6."

She was in the Johzenji girls uniform with her hair in (Hairstyle). Instead of the blazer that matched the uniform, she wore her sports jacket. 'Johzenji Girls Basketball' written in large print in the back. The jacket was white and had the orange/yellow color for detail. In her right sleeve, the word 'Captain' was printed on, and her last name.

Unlike the rest of the girls team, who was showing smiles, (Y/N) had her natural emotionless face. She gave the boys a nod before walking off, a clipboard in hand.

The volleyball boys could feel glares drilling in the back of their heads. After all, the school's pretty girl just talked to them.

The school day finished quickly. Most of the school had went home, changed, and came back to watch the basketball game.

"Who are they playing?" Bobata asked. He took a seat next to Terushima.

The captain of the volleyball team shoved his hands in the pockets of his grey sweats. "Some team from Tokyo."

"Our starting line up for Johzenji!" The stadium blew up in cheers.

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