Already wearing my clothes, we're practically married now.

Start from the beginning

"I guess you just got lucky that time." He winked at me. "Do you want more wine?" He asked, looking at the empty bottle now on the table. I thought for a second and then nodded, why not?

"Sure, go for it." I smiled.


I didn't want her to leave yet for some reason, she was a lot more fun to be around than I had first imagined she would be. Once she got a few glasses in her she seemed to relax and open up more which made it much easier to talk to her.

I grabbed another bottle of wine and poured us both a glass. She sipped on the wine and then turned to me again. "So do you ask many of the staff at Dirty Hit to come and hang out?" She looked at little uneasy with asking me that, as if she wasn't sure what she wanted to hear from me.

"No." I said simply, it was the truth. I usually didn't pay much attention to who worked for the label, it was honestly not even a thing that crossed my mind. I was just somehow drawn to her aura as a person. It gave me a sense of wonder that I haven't felt in years, if I'm completely honest.

"I must be special then." She looked at me with such happiness in her eyes but her smile didn't want to give it away.

"I just really liked your honesty the first day I met you, it was intriguing." I told her.

"Interesting." She smirked, was she copying what I did earlier?

"What is?" She didn't respond though, just smiled and shrugged. She was copying my reply earlier when she told us that Heart Out was her favourite song from the album.

"So what is life like as Matty Healy, singer of The 1975?" She questioned and then took another drink of her wine.

"Exciting, every day is an adventure." I joked, she rolled her eyes clearly knowing I was bullshitting.

"Yeah, it seems it." She laughed, she has a really nice laugh.

"It's an endless string of women, shows and drugs." I shrugged.

"Isn't that every mans dream?" Her smirk was driving me mental by this point. She definitely was letting loose a little, matching my flirtatious personality.

"I guess I'm just lucky." I said, looking around for my shirt that I'd discarded earlier. I found it down the side of the cushion and put it on. Her eyes watched me as I made every movement. "Sorry, the show is over now. It's a bit cold."

"Aw, I was just getting used to it." I couldn't help but smile at her, she just made me want to smile. Her presence was so warming and comforting.

"I mean I can keep it off, all you had to do was say." I grinned, her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

"I'm sure you would love it if I asked you that, don't think your ego needs to hear it." She chuckled. Her wine was almost done now and she was clearly drunk by this point. It was kinda cute.

"Probably not but I would like to hear it." I winked at her.

"Are you always such a flirt with people?" Her question caught me off guard.

"It's just who I am, I guess." I replied, scratching my head slightly.

"I was warned about it, I will say." She shrugged, playing with the fabric of her t-shirt.

"Who warned you?" I asked.

"Well, after you left the office today a very unamused Lax came to my desk again and asked me a million questions about why you were talking to me. He overhead you asking me to hang out tonight and gave me this big speech about how you're a womanizer and that I should be careful around you." Ouch, coming from him? Clearly all he wanted from Alyssa was a quick shag, I actually wanted to get to know this girl. Sure she is hot but that's not why I invited her here.

FOREVER, YOURS // Matty Healy.Where stories live. Discover now