Chapter Twenty Seven

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Three months later, Jessica was still in a coma. Nick hasn't left her side. Jake has been covering for him at work. Brian and Alex have been bringing him clothes and food. He refuses to leave her. His parents have come by to visit along with everyone else. Her legs and arm have healed and the swelling in her brain has gone down. He sat there watching her. He had put her ring back on her left hand. She started stirring. He pushed the button for the nurse who came in and saw her and called for the doctor who came in and checked her. Nick stood back.

"She's waking up, Jessica, can you open your eyes?" the doctor asked. Jessica's eyes opened and she looked and saw the doctor.

"Where am I?" Jessica asked.

"You are in the hospital, you were hit by a car and you've been in a coma," the doctor said.

"Hit by a car, where I was going?" Jessica asked.

"You were at lunch and you were crossing the street heading back to work," the doctor said.

"Work, I don't have a job, my husband is in the military, he said I didn't need to work, have you called him, is he still deployed?" Jessica asked. Nick's heart sank and he slipped out of the room just as Brian, Alex, and Ashley came down the hall.

"Nick?" Ashley said. He looked up at them with tears in his eyes. Brian hugged him.

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"She's awake, she woke up, but she's looking for Jacob, she has amnesia," Nick said crying. He broke down in Brian's arms. Ashley covered her mouth and Alex hugged her.

"Oh god Nick, man," Brian said.

"The doctor told her what happened, she said she didn't have a job, that her husband was in the military and she didn't have to work, she was asking if he was still deployed, I knew she wouldn't remember me, I slipped out of the room," Nick said.

"She'll know me," Ashley said. She went in. Nick leaned against the wall.

"Oh god, this can't be happening, the woman I love is gone, she won't know me," Nick said.

"It will come back to her, man, sometimes when something like this happens, the memories come flooding back," Brian said.

"Don't give up hope, man, don't give up on the woman you love," Alex said. Nick sighed.

"I don't want to, but she won't know who I am, I can't go in there because all I want to do is take her in my arms and never let go, I don't know if I can do that, I don't want to confuse her or anything, I need to go," Nick said.

"Nick, don't, just come in and I'll introduce you as a friend, and you can leave, you should see her," Alex said. He nodded and they went in. Jessica looked at them.

"Hello, who are you guys?" Jessica said. Nick felt his heart break but he did his best not to show it.

"Hi there, I'm Alex, I just started dating Ashley, and this is my best friends, Nick and Brian, we were with Ashley when they called to tell her you were here, we came with her to be here for her, to show our support and we wanted to meet you," Alex said.

"Nice to meet you guys, thanks for being here for Ashley, and I hope you are treating her good, Alex," Jessica said.

"I am, I'm falling for her more and more every day," Alex said.

The door opened and Jake came in. Jessica saw him and got confused.

"Is this another friend?" Jessica asked.

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