Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning, Jessica woke up and saw Nick asleep. She laid there watching him and snuggled up against him. He pulled her closer against him.

"Morning baby," Nick said.

"Morning, sorry if I woke you," Jessica said.

"It's okay, baby," Nick said kissing her forehead.

"I had an idea," Jessica said.

"And what is your idea, baby," Nick said.

"Going away this weekend," Jessica said.

"And where would we go?" Nick asked.

"Miami?" Jessica said.

"And what would we be doing?" Nick asked.

"Being alone with no one to come bother us, being together," Jessica said.

"We can have that here," Nick said.

"So you don't want to go away with me?" Jessica asked.

"I didn't say that, baby, it would be nice to getaway," Nick said.

"Then let's do it," Jessica said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements," Nick said. She smiled and kissed him.

"There was another reason why I wanted to go away, I was thinking about the next step," Jessica said.

"You mean making love?" Nick asked.

"I thought it would be special taking that step someplace different," Jessica said.

"Oh baby I'm all for it, I'll make some calls right now," Nick said. He got up and went to the bathroom and got his phone and went to make calls. She sent a text to Ashley telling her the plans for the weekend.

"You have the outfit?" Ashley texted.

"Yeah, do you think he'll like it?" Jessica texted.

"Oh yeah, he won't be able to keep his hands off you," Ashley texted. Jessica smiled.

"That's what I have planned," Jessica texted.

"You are on the pill right?" Ashley texted.

"Of course," Jessica texted.

On Friday morning, she got all packed up and ready to go. Nick got his bag packed up.

"Ready baby?" Nick asked.

"Yep," Jessica said. She put her bag in his car and they headed to Miami.

"I love you," Nick said as he held her hand.

"I love you, too," Jessica said. Her phone beeped and she looked at it and saw it was text from Brian.

"What is it?" Nick asked.

"A text from Brian," Jessica said.

"What does it say, baby?" Nick asked. She read it.

"Hey Jess, I know you don't want to talk to me and I understand, I am sorry for everything, I finally got the help I needed and I am in a better place now," Brian texted. She read it to Nick as she was reading it.

"I will be coming back to work on Monday, and I will give you space and won't speak to you unless you talk first, I hope you and Nick worked things out and I'm sorry for causing problems, from now on I will be the supportive friend to you both if we can work our way back to being just that, I have a lot to make up for," Brian texted.

"Wow," Nick said.

"Yeah, I'm not going to reply back," Jessica texted.

"You can if you want to, I'm not going to let you go again, we are solid, baby, talk with him," Nick said.

"Hey Brian, thanks for what you said and I'm glad you got the help you needed, yes Nick and I are back to normal and we are solid, I hope you respect my relationship with him and I hope one day you two can work things out, we can talk at work, as co-workers but being friends is going to take some time, it will be a long road back, take care," Jessica texted. She told Nick what she wrote.

"I will, Jess, and thank you, I will respect the relationship, I just want you to be happy and Nick will make you happy, take care as well," Brian texted.

"It's going to be a long road for me and him as well," Nick said.

"Let's just focus on us and this weekend," Jessica said.

"Oh yeah baby," Nick said. They made a couple of stops for bathroom breaks before they finally made it to Miami. They checked into the hotel and went to their suite. She looked around and smiled.

"Wow," Jessica said.

"I know right," Nick said.

"You sure you could afford this babe?" Jessica asked.

"I'm sure, baby," Nick said pulling her close and kissing her neck. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you," Jessica said.

"I love you," Nick said kissing her deeply.

"What's the plan, babe?" Jessica asked.

"I thought we could go to dinner tonight and then come back here and see what happens," Nick said.

"So you want it to happen tonight?" Jessica asked.

"We will see how we are after dinner, we did have along drive down here, so we will see what happens," Nick said. They went and got ready for dinner.

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