Seeing Errol

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Jade and I made our way to the classroom minutes later, where we could here Mr. Robert talking about respect. When we walked in, side by side giggling softly about this guy who walked passed us in the hallway with a blond Afro, the whole class shifted so that they were all staring at us. We both stopped walking near the doorframe and looked up at Mr. Robert. He cleared his throat, arms crossed across his chest. But before he could start spitting out punishments we heard the familiar three beeps of the announcements.
"Would grades 4 to 5 please make there way down to the gym." Mme. Iwako said sharply into the speaker.
After she finished speaking, Mr. Robert uncrossed his arms and used them to gesture around the whole class.
"How nice of you to join us. You see, all your classmates come on time and are ready to learn and be respectful. But you two have no respect do you? Is this all just a joke Miss Cecile and Miss Catherine? Because it isn't to me." Mr. Robert said, spitting a little. I shifted my weight to my other side of my body, feeling awkward. I noticed Jade was the same way. He looked like he wasn't done so we remained standing to wait for more, but it never came.
"I'm sorry sir, but Jade and I just got here." I said lying. Before he could even respond though, Anne's hand shot up, wiggling around in the air.
"Excuse me sir, but at around 9:07 Emily came in and sat beside me, so she obviously didn't just get here." Anne said, smirking afterwards. Mr. Robert raised and eyebrow at me, so I waited for him to yell again. But it never came, instead it was the three beeps again.
"Will the grades 6 to 8 please make your way down to the gym, there ready for you now."
In one movement, the whole class shot up in excitement, and made a frantic line at the front of the door. Mr. Roberts attempts to keep everyone quiet made the issue even worse, so he just let everyone go down anyways. Staying close to Jade, we met up with our other friend Caren. She was telling us about how she seen Errol before. Told us how she thought he was kinda cute. I just shrugged off what she was saying. But when I walked into the gym with them by my side, I realized something, Caren was right. He was cute.
Tall, slim and muscular, Errol stood on the gym floor about a meter or two away from the grade 4's where he was playing around with the microphone. I tapped jade hard on the shoulder, and told her to look. He sang a few words into the mic, and he was amazing. Jade took my arm and dragged me over to the gym floor, and sat me down. There was a isle that went down the middle of the gym where no kids sat, and I sat closes to it.
chap two. just wanna say that Errol is life so ya.
two reads two votes I'll update again.
bye 😍~Megan

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