Chapter 2

340 13 11

Y/N's Pov

The bell for lunchtime rang. I blew a sigh of relief, happy I wouldn't have to listen to the boring teacher lecture for another 30 minutes. I stretched my back after I got up from my seat, and grabbed my home-made bento.

It was my first day of school, so I obviously had no idea where to eat. Hoping there'd be less people there, I decided to go up to the rooftop. There were still a couple of students eating lunch there, but not as much as there were in the hallways.

I sat down on the bench nearest to me, which was also occupied by a boy with long pink hair. He seemed noticed me sit down next to him, but once I made eye contact with him and smiled, he quickly turned away. Must be shy.

Silently I ate lunch. The only noise I could hear were the wind and the sound of some orange-haired bitching to some poor dude with black hair about how she totally didn't make a bento for him on purpose. I chuckled when the boy got sick due to her shit cooking. He even had to go to the bathroom to throw up.

Finished with my bento, I threw it in the trash. I decided the best thing to do before class starts again is look around the school for clubs.

After a bit of wondering, I notice that the clubs inside of the school are all on the same side, except for the.. Gaming club. Even though it's just the sociology classroom with a sign saying "Gaming club" slapped over it.

I started with the clubs on the first floor first. The cooking club had a cute kitchen, and the substitute leader seemed nice. I'd seen the club members walking around school giving students food earlier, so I assumed that's what they do on a daily basis.

The Drama Club seemed interesting. I spoke to the substitute leader, known as Tsuruzo, who spoke dramatically the whole time. I guess it makes sense since it is the Drama Club, but geez, talk about taking things too far. I'm not too much into plays and all that junk, but it would be fun to join them.

The Occult Club confused me. I didn't even expect a subject like this would be allowed in a club, but oh well. The club members seemed creepy and weird, but harmless nevertheless.

On the second floor were the Art Club, Light Music Club, and Martial Arts club.

The Art Club's club members seemed a bit weird. The club leader was cute, but he didn't seem to speak much, and the rest of the members were a bit... how do I put this... quirky.

I'd love to join the light music club, but if I'm gonna be honest, I suck ass at playing any instrument. Oh, and my singing voice sucks so, that too.

While I'm not interested in Martial Arts, it would be nice to learn some self defense.

When I walked up the stairs to the third floor, I heard a loud crash coming from one of the rooms.

"God dammit Kaga, I told you not to activate any of your robots if they might be dangerous!" an intimidating blue-haired girl with an eyepatch yelled. She was wearing a different uniform as me, so that confused me a bit.

I looked at the person she was yelling at. It was a tall boy with messy silver hair which looked like it wasn't properly brushed. His eyes were light blue, had visible bags under them, and his left eye was covered by a blue eyepiece.

The boy was crossing his arms at the blue-haired girl.

I had to admit... he was quite cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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