Chapter 1

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Y/N's Pov

The giant high school towered over me. I felt so small compared to it, which made me nervous, but I was fine with that. Who knew what would happen during my time there.

Even though I've only set foot on campus, I couldn't help but have a slight rush of thrill shiver through my body. It was like I was starting a new life. I could make new friends, new enemies, and maybe even do something interesting for once.

According to an email the headmaster sent my parents, there are clubs in the school. Hopefully there's one there that'd interest me. I'd hate having to spend yet another year in high school doing nothing.

With a big smile on my face, I ran towards the school gates. It was currently 7:30, so just about everyone else was already in the school. I was sprinting fast, until I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

I twisted it. Fuck.

My body immediately collapsed on the ground, right between the gates. I first just lied there, surprised by my own stupidity, but then, I heard a noise. A noise of...

The gate closing.

My whole body jerked up, pushing myself back up. Luckily I got back to my feet and just barely avoided getting my head crushed.

Jesus, when I said I wanted excitement, I didn't mean it like this.

I thought the gate closed manually due to the time, but my theory was quickly debunked by the gates opening again. When I walked through them, I saw a tall tanned-skin woman with blonde in a red tracksuit, next to a switch which I assumed opens and closes the gate. The woman noticed me, and her face perked up.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I was distracted by a noise, and while I was checking it out someone must've tried to close the gate," she spoke.

I smiled. It was confusing to me as to why someone would try to close the gate, but I understood it wasn't her fault.

"It's fine, miss," I replied, bowing a bit.

The woman's eyes trailed down to my sprained ankle.

"Oh my, dear, are you ok?" she asked, concern in her voice.

"Oh- I-I'm fine! I only sprained it a bit. It's nothing serious," I assured her.

"Well alright. If you're ever hurt, don't be shy and drop by the nurse's office, k?"

"I will miss, thank you."

I gave another small bow to the lady before walking towards the school. In there, I changed my shoes at my locker, which saddened me a bit since I liked the black ones better, but oh well.

My next destination was the guidance counselor's office so I could find my schedule. I took out a map of the school my mom printed out for me. I was looking down on my map while walking through the halls, trying to figure out where the hell the guidance counselor's office was, when suddenly I was softly shoved off to the side, right into the wall.


I looked up and saw a girl who looked younger than me, with short white hair, a black and white scarf, and wearing a different uniform than my sailor one.

"Bitch?" I thought.

I stared at her in disbelief as I saw her walk away, like nothing had just happened. The hell was her problem?

I irkly shrugged it off and went bag to staring at my confusing as shit map.


On further inspection, I realized my mom only printed out a map of the second floor of the school. My dumbass should've noticed this immediately when none of the signs matched. I sighed. I didn't want to spend the rest of the day wandering down the halls having no idea where I was going..

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

My head looked up to see a girl. She had black hair in a ponytail, and she would look normal if it weren't the fact that her eyes looked like they had no emotion.

"I just wanted to say you looked lovely," she said, smiling.

My cheeks got a bit rosy. I wasn't used to being flattered like this.

"W-Wow, thanks. That's really nice of you to say..." I replied, looking down shyly.

"...You look lost. Do you need help with anything?" she asked.

This was my chance. Both to possibly make a new friend, and to find the guidance counselor.

"Yes, actually. Do you know where the guidance counselor's office is?"

The girl nodded in response and gave me directions to the office. I smiled and bowed down in her for thanks.

"Thank you, erm.."

"It's Ayano. Ayano Aishi."

"Th-Thank you, Ayano. I'm Y/N L/N. I-I hope to see you later."

"Me too."

I saw Ayano smile slightly before I started walking to the guidance counselor's office. Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping to hang out with Ayano soon in the future. She seemed calm and collective.

Shrugging away my thoughts, I opened the doors to the office. Sitting in the room was a woman who looked to be in her late twenties to thirties. She was typing something on her computer until she looked up and saw me.

"Ah, miss Y/N! You're here! I'm Genka Kunahito, but you can just call me Ms. Genka. Take a seat." She motioned towards the seat in front of her desk. I nodded my head and did as I was told. The chair was comfy.

"S-So, Ms. Genka.. What's my schedule?" I asked her.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked. Luckily I prepared ahead and printed out your schedule for you."

She proceeded to hand me a paper. The paper had the words "Classroom 3-1" in bold letters. Guess that's my classroom.

I walked to the classroom, which took some time because I had no idea where I was going, but nevertheless I found it. It was about 8:29 a.m., so class was about to start.

I opened the doors to the classroom and was met with a bunch of eyes staring at me.

"Ah, there she is, come here, miss L/N," spoke who I assumed was the teacher.

I walked up to her desk. The classmates were still staring at me.

"Miss L/N, I'm Karin Hana, your teacher for this year. Miss L/N, please introduce yourself,"

I took a deep breath. This was always the hard part in school; telling people about yourself.

Seriously, I'm uninteresting and boring, there's nothing to tell.

Finally, I got the courage to speak up.

"U-Um... Hi. I'm Y/N L/N. I used to go to (school name) until my parents made me move schools because a lot of kids there did cocaine... Uh.. Yeah."

My classmates just stared at me in disbelief. I hope they know that's the only interesting story I have to tell.

"Th..That's wonderful, miss L/N. Now, go sit down next to Horo Guramu. Horo, please raise your hand for Y/N."

A boy with messy silver and orange hair raised his hand. He looked a bit 'out-of-it' and wore a scientific visor.

I thanked Karin(Karen lol) and sat down next to Horo. The teacher started teaching us about some boring math subject, which only made me drowsy and uninterested.

I laid my chin on my hand and listened anyway, sighing mentally.

Today was going to be a long day.

Kaga Kusha x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin