The Wright Brother's

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Tenth Doctor

   The Doctor strolled down the Sandy Beach near Kill Devil's Hill, on the 17th of December, 1903. He had landed his TARDIS up the beach, for a calm walk, attempting to clear his head.

    I say attempting, for the Time Lord's companion, Rose, had just been trapped in an alternate universe. He thought this could be a calm day, a nice place to relax and think about all the companions of the past.

    He hears shouting up the beach, and, of course, runs towards it. Even if he's depressed he'll never, ever, neglect to help someone.

    As he grows nearer to the source of the shouting, he spys the very crude outline of an aeroplane. As he makes his way down the hill to get a better look at this plane, a man stops him, cigar clenched between his teeth.

    "Pardon, friend, but you wouldn't happen to have a light, would you?"

    The Doctor sticks his hand in his pocket, searching for a lighter he had placed in there earlier. He study's the man's face, knowing he had seen it somewhere before.

    His hand clamps tightly around a box of matches he didn't even know we're in there. He hesitantly holds them out to the stranger.

    "So, what's going on over there?" He asks, jutting his chin out in the direction he means.

    "You're not from around here, are you, fella?" The Oncoming Storm shakes his head. The stranger holds his hand out, "John Daniels."

    "Doctor John Smith," the Doctor replies, shaking his hand.

    "Pleasure, Doctor Smith, that over there is a motor-powered glider. And those to running around it like mad men are it's creators, Wilber, and his older brother, Orville. They're planning on taking it into the air today."

    The Time Lord looks at all this in awe. The first powered heavier-than-air machine to receive controlled, sustained flight with a pilot. It's not every day you witness history take place right before your eyes!

    Okay, maybe for the Doctor it is, but this is something even his eyes have yet to witness.

    Mr. Daniels looks at his pocket watch, before starting over toward the aeroplane. The Doctor glances back over at his TARDIS before heading off after Mr. Daniels, towards the Flyer I.

    "John," the Doctor hears called, "I'm going to have to ask you to put the cigar out, open flame doesn't agree with the Flyer." When the Time Lord finally places the voice, he recognizes the face of Wilber Wright.

    "Who's your friend?" Orville asks.

    The Doctor leans around John, offering his hand, "John Smith." Wilber reaches over and shakes the proffered hand.

    "Dr. Smith, was curious as to what you are doing."

    The Time Lord produces a pair of spectacles from his jackets inner pocket of his coat, walking closer to the plane, "I mean this is spectacular, an engine on a glider. Man has always had a want to be a bird, glide over the ground."

    "Are you a philosopher, or something?"

    "No, I'm just in awe of the way you humans do things. You could fail a hundred times, but you refuse to give up. All through the course of human history you find evidence of man's want to fly. Cave drawings, and statues. Not to mention, Da Vinci's flying machine, and yet here, on the 17th of December, 1903, the dream finally comes to a gratuitous close."

     After the Doctor finishes his spiel, the three men just stare at him, before Mr. Daniels drags the Time Lord over to a few other spectators watching the first flight of the aeroplane.

    The heavy winds coming off the sea makes the Doctor's hair fly about, and the men's ties fluttering, but no one notices as they are all completely enthralled watching Orville climb into the wing seat.

    The motor starts, and the Oncoming Storm can't hear anything being said, he watches in awe as the plane leaves the ground, he, of course, knows that it will fly thirty-seven meters in the next twelve seconds.

    What no one is expecting is a spaceship to suddenly appear, hovering just centimeters off the ground. The landing struts touch the ground, as the motor of the Flyer dies. The only sounds are the waves hitting the sand, and the hum of the alien mechanisms of the ship. Around the beach the bystanders stare in awe at the ginormous beast of a ship.

     Well, everyone except for the Doctor!

    He marches right up to the ship, banging on the cargo doors. The doors open, and what looks like a grey human stands at the top of the ramp. Wilber and Orville gradually inch towards the Doctor, wanting a looks at this mighty ship.

    "What's your name?" The Doctor demands of the alien.


    "Okay, Ooohleck, you can't be here, this is history in the making!"

    "Ooohleck goes where Ooohleck wants, and no skinny human will stop Ooohleck."

    "Human? You would insult me like that? I'm a Time Lord, thank you. Time Lord's came first."

    "Human, or Time Lord, you die anyway," the alien produces a long metal stick, that looks strangely like a tuba.

    "What the devil is that?"

    "That, Mr. Wright, is a gun, I suggest you duck." As he say this, he tackles the Wright Brothers to the ground, just as a ball of purple energy explodes over their heads. Thankfully, it doesn't hit anyone, rather, the force of the blast flips the plane onto it's top.

    "Wilber," Orville begins, "Get those guys out of here." He indicates to the other men.

    "Mr. Wright, I insist you go as well, I can handle this." Wilber has already rushed to make sure Mr. Daniels, Mr. Ethridge, Mr Dough, Mr. Brinkley, and young Johnny Moore are all safe from the alien.

    "I'm not going anywhere, Dr. Smith."

    "Fine, have it your way. Oi! Ooohleck, what do you want from this planet?"

    "Ooohleck collects people, smart people. Ooohleck wants the plane makers."

    The Doctor rolls his eyes, he's tired of having to deal with idiotic, homicidal maniacs trying to mess with history. He pulls his sonic screwdriver fro his pocket, aiming it at Ooohleck, a high pitched whirring emits from the spherical tip of the gadget.

    Sparks fly from the tuba-gun, and as Ooohleck pulls at the trigger once more, only sputtering emits.

    "Oh, is your little gun malfunctioning? I'm sorry, I didn't realize a sonic pulse would disable the goodigegoo circuit, making it impossible to fire." The Doctor puts on his best pitying facde, before it morphs into his angry smile.

    After Orville had realized the Doctor really did have this feature under control he went to inspect his plane. The top of it seemed to be smashed, deeming it unflyable.

    "What is your name, Time Lord, Ooohleck wants to know the name of this new enemy!"

     "The names the Doctor, D-O-C-T-O-R, make sure you spell it right. And, as you go back off to whatever crummy little backwater planet you come from, tell everyone you meet that this planet is protected, by me!"

    Ooohleck angrily marches back into his ship, making a note in his captains log to, one day, find the meddlesome Time Lord, and kill him!"

    "What was that thing?" The Doctor hears shouted to him from further down the beach. He turns to face Wilber, who had asked the question.

    "Something you don't need to worry about, because you won't remember." The Last Child of Gallifey makes quick work of altering the memories of these great men. He makes them believe that the plane flew three times.

    As he walks back to his time ship, he hears as the gentlemen flip the plane over, and survey the damage. Before they've even decided to make a new plane, the Time Lord has entered his ship. He sets the coordinates at random, hoping for a calm, quiet place to sit and think about all his past companions.

    Let's face it, it's the Doctor. Nothing in his life has ever been calm, he'll always be stuck saving the world.

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