Chapter 1

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Angel Dust sighed. He was suppose to do  be doing paperwork for Charlie. But he was currently keeping his deer friend company. Alastor had snuck into the library (the one place Angel thought he could get some quiet...) and whimpered for the other's attention. And now, here he is, petting the other's soft, blue head. As for Alastor? He was fast asleep. "Poor guy." Angel sighed to himself. Alastor has always had nightmares that kept him up most nights. And he had a right too. Between his past, and now Hell itself. He just couldn't take it. Not to mention that he was one of the few he could turn too. Besides Angel Dust, Alastor also had Husk and Vaggie. But, Husk was always a little too rough. Even on accident. And Vaggie. Well, she wasn't the best at understanding more masculine problems.

Angel was cut from his thoughts as another whimper escaped the blue demon's mouth. Angel Dust moved his petting lower, this time to his back. Alastor was having another nightmare. "Papa, no..." The smaller man cried. He started to curl onto himself as he laid on Angel's lap. Angel sighed again. He knew that he should probably wake the other up, before it got worse. Then again, Alastor hasn't slept in over three days.  He wondered what the deer did while everyone else was asleep, but just never bothered to find out. Angel gently shook the other, trying to wake him up as kindly as he could. Alastor opened one eye, then the other. He then nuzzled into the other's lap before sitting up and yawning. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty." Angel chuckled. He didn't know why he was soft to Alastor. He never is or was to anyone else. Maybe Molly, but that was because they are twins. "G'd morning~" Alastor yawned sleepily.  He then nuzzled into Angel's neck and hummed. "Hungry?" Angel Dust asked, changing the subject. Alastor nodded his head as a yes. Angel Dust patted his butt as a way to say 'get off'. Alastor obeyed and got off. Angel soon followed. 

Angel opened the door out of the library and ushered for Alastor to follow. Alastor did but grabbed onto Angel's hand. Interlocking them both. Angel, of course blushed. He was gay, yes. But he didn't like to show it. Alastor just hummed as they walked down the halls towards the kitchen.  "What ya in the mood for?" Angel then asked as they got towards the door. Alastor stopped for a moment and thought. "Hmmm... How about some of your Ossobuco?" Alastor said. Alastor had once told Angel how much he enjoyed the other's cooking. Angel Dust laughed. Of course Alastor would want that. It was veal after all. And veal is quite expensive. "I'm guessing rare?" Angel then asked as he opened the door. Alastor shook his head excitedly at that prospect. "I swear. You should be more of a dog than a deer. You act just like a puppy after all!" Angel Dust laughed. Alastor pouted at the remark. "I do not." He then replied. Angel just laughed again as he started to prepare to cook the meal. 

"Cooking again?" Nifty asked, quite annoyed since she had just cleaned. "Nifty!" Alastor yelled as he ran toward the tiny cyclops. He then swooped her up and squeezed her into a hug. "Yes I am, got a problem?" Angel said. Egging her on. "Yes I do. Ack! Let go of me you bastard!" Nifty yelled at Alastor. She was kicking and screaming trying to get out of his grasp, as he just giggled. "Hey Al. Let her go. Nifty needs to work." Angel Dust said, trying to get the poor woman out of the older man's grasp. Alastor sighed and let go. ":You better clean the mess up!" Nifty yelled as she ran out the door. "I always do!" Angel Dust replied back. "Why don't you make some tea?" Angel asked seeing how sad Alastor was at losing a hugging partner. Alastor nodded and got out the tea kettle. Soon enough the food was ready, and so was the tea. Alastor sat down, quite excited for his meal. "Here ya go!" Angel said as he placed the food in-front of him. He then started to leave, hoping to continue  to do his oh so boring paperwork for the oh so important Princess of Hell.  He just wanted a day off, you know? To maybe go out and get drunk. Do drugs or have some sex. But nope. As part of his 'redemption' he needs to help with legal paperwork apparently.  

Angel Dust was then taken out of his thoughts by a whimper followed by a "Please stay". Alastor pleaded. Angel knew that he needed him at this moment and decided to stay.  "Okay." Angel said as he sat down right beside him.  Alastor snuggled up to Angel Dust as he continued to eat his meal.  He then said something that surprised Angel. And I mean really surprised. "Hey, Angel Dust." Alastor started to say. "Yeah?" Angel asked as he traced shapes on the counter-top. "You make me really happy you know? Like, really really happy, you know?" Alastor said with a smile. Angel stopped mid-trace shocked as to what his deer friend said.  "I'm sorry. What?" Angel said, trying to understand what he just said. "I'm sorry..." Alastor said, again whimpering. "What? No! I-I just..." Angel sighed. "I'm trying to understand what you just said." Angel admitted. He then used his bottom pair of arms to grab and hold Alastor's hands. The upper two just scratched his head and hung at his side.  "You really really make me happy." Alastor said softly. Angel sighed. Honestly. Why him? Alastor was honestly too sweet. And Angel was a sucker for that sweetness. "Al..." Angel Dust started as he started to blush. Damn it.  Hopefully Alastor didn't see. Oh, but her did. "Angel? Are you okay?" Alastor asked, worried for the mobster. He lifted his hands out of the other's grasp and put one on Angel's forehead. He was checking for a fever. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine Al. Come on. I need to finish the paperwork, if you are finished that is." Angel said, trying to change the subject. "Oh. Okay." Alastor said, dropping it. Alastor took the now empty dish and put it in the dishwasher. "Ready?" Alastor said as he now headed towards the door. "Yep." Angel Dust said as he hooked his arm with Alastor's. They the  headed back to the library. 

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