Part 10: The U.S.J. Attack 3

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The demon began roared once again and detached itself from the mountain and dropped onto the ground in front of the four

Phantom: Ah! Cornered like the little ant you are!
Denki: It can talk?!
Phantom: No use hiding now! Time to die, Son of Sparda!

But before Phantom could strike, a scream was heard. The demon turned around and saw the terrified villains who just stood there, frozen in fear. Phantom chuckled

Phantom: Haha! And free lunch as well!

The villains tried to run away but Phantom stabbed them all one by one with it's pinchers and tail. Phantom promptly shoved the villains into it's jaws and devoured them as loud crunching noises were heard

The four were shocked and disgusted at the horrible sight and it took all of Denki's willpower to not puke all of his guts out. The group then realised that Phantom was now distracted, took advantage of that and ran away

After lunch time was over, Phantom turned around and saw that his target was no longer there and roared in frustration

Phantom: How dare the offspring of Sparda run from me! ME!

Meanwhile, the four students were now out of the Mountain Zone and were running towards the main exit. Their running had halted as a large puddle of lava blocked their way and out came Phantom whose multiple eyes were now glowing red, indicating rage

Phantom: You're really starting to make me angry! And for that, I think I'm just gonna turn you into my dessert!!

The demon tried to reach Izuku with it's pinchers but Kyoka had stabbed the ground with her earbuds and created a sonic boom which staggered and stunned Phantom for a bit, giving Izuku an opening to attack. Izuku then summoned Alastor and charged towards Phantom with a though running through his mind

Izuku: *Hmm. I cannot seem to damage it's exterior but maybe, just maybe, I can deal some when I strike it's exposed areas*

With that in mind, Izuku did a slide underneath Phantom and was now behind it. Izuku then jumped and aimed at it's tail since it was it's most exposed area and sliced it off horizontally. Phantom roared in pain

Phantom: Gah! Damn you!

The demon tried to attack again but Izuku jumped again and over Phantom while striking  the exposed parts of it's abdomen. The demon roared again and shook Izuku away

Phantom: Grr!! You are such a pain! But hear me out, Son of Sparda! Next time you will not be so fortunate!

Phantom then threw up a stream of lava on the ground and used it's pinchers to submerge into it while the lava subsequently disappears

(Music End)

Izuku and the others sighed in relief as Izuku made Alastor disappear

Izuku: Phew! That was a close one!
Denki: It was! Also, what did that thing mean by "Son of Sparda"? Who's Sparda?
Izuku: I'm not sure. But for some reason, that name sounds familiar to me. Maybe I'll ask... Someone about it... But first, we need to get outta here. And I'm pretty sure that I broke a bone... Or two...

The four began running again, on their way to the exit. They soon passed the Central Plaza and saw All Might who was now crouching in place next to Aizawa. What caught the group's eye was that the other Pro-Heroes have already arrived and were now cleaning up the place and taking out corpses

Izuku: Huh? The other Pros are already here? And where's that...

Izuku slowly looked up and saw a large hole on the ceiling

Izuku: Oh...
Cementoss: Hey! What are you kids still doing here? Shouldn't you have been escorted out of the building by now?
Izuku: Wha-Oh yes! We were just about to leave!

The greenette said as he and the others continued their way to the exit and to regroup with the others

Villain Hideout

A black portal appeared in a room and Tomura and Kurogiri stepped out of it

???: Was the attack a success?
Tomura: Not so, Sensei... Our forces were overwhelmed. There were these creatures and they were too feral!
???: Creatures, huh. I believe I know what you are talking about.
Tomura: Huh? What do you mean, Sensei?
???: Those are demons, Shigaraki.
Tomura: Really?
???: Yes. And if I were you, I wouldn't cross paths with them.
Tomura: I'll do what I can, Sensei.
???: Good. Now go and join with others in the next room. Your next assignment will soon be announced.
Tomura: Yes, Sensei.

Tomura and Kurogiri soon left the room and their leader alone. The leader chuckled

???: Looks like the past has finally returned to haunt you again, Sparda...

To be continued...

Izuku Midoriya, Bearer of the Devil BringerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat