Chapter 14

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Jericho & Friends

Peter was floating on cloud 9.

His night out with Jericho was spent to perfection. They both had fun, ate Chinese food, and took a stroll on the way back to the tower. Although Jericho was back to being her usual 'quiet unless provoked' self, Peter still enjoyed her company very much.

And he still had a wide grin on his face when he dropped her off at the tower.

"We're still going to the science museum tomorrow, right?" Peter asked for her confirmation. Jericho nodded before snapping her fingers.

"Oh, that reminds me. My friends from the program are staying with us for about a week. Can they come with us to the museum too?" She asked. Peter's heart sank when he realized they weren't going to be alone the following day, but he couldn't bring himself to say no to Jericho. Instead, he agreed and promised to get two more tickets.

Jericho thanked him once more for the night out before rushing into the Stark Tower.

And Peter ran home to tell Aunt May about the pretty girl he was falling hard for.


"Where were you?"

Jericho frowned as Tony approached her with accusing questions. She merely shrugged and tossed her bag to a chair.

"The better question is what are you doing on my floor?"

"It's my tower."

"Touche, Mr. Stark. I was out with Peter tonight, we went to go get food," Jericho said. Tony narrowed his eyes. He watched the mutant carefully before humming.

"Jiji, do you like Peter?"

Jericho raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"In what terms?" She questioned.

"The sexual term," he responded without hesitation. Jericho choked on her spit and glared at Tony.

"First of all, gross, don't ever say that to me again. And second, no I do not like him in that way. It's just nice to have another friend okay?" Jericho mumbled. She couldn't meet Tony's eyes because if she did, he would immediately find out she was lying.

"Fine. I was just curious," the billionaire finally said before ruffling her hair and stepping onto the elevator.

"Sleep well, kid. This weekend, Pepper's taking you out on a girl's day."

"Good night, Stark."


The next morning, Jericho woke up to a text from Peter saying he had got two extra tickets for her friends. She thanked him before throwing her phone to her side. She leaped out of bed and slumped into the bathroom. After showering, she sat in front of her vanity. She poked at her face and sighed.

"Have I always looked this plain?"

Her reflection almost nodded back to her before Jericho began to throw on makeup.

After she finished, she found the usual breakfast Pepper made waiting for her at the counter. She ate her breakfast skillet and watched the news. It was a typical morning for the mutant. A ding from the elevator warned her that intruders were entering her floor but she soon relaxed when she heard Bobby and John's voices.

"Morning, boys. Want some of my breakfast?" Jericho asked and her friends immediately grabbed a fork and joined her.

"Did you make this?" Bobby asked between bites. Jericho scoffed.

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