Boba Fett vs Samus

Start from the beginning

The first contestant the students see is a man wearing a odd and unique set of armor and a looking helmet with a T shaped visor that fully covers his head , he's also wearing a short cape. They also notice he's wearing a backpack and holding a cylinder shaped gun in his hand.

"The armor looks very alien, but is it supposed to be that beat up?" Dorothea tilted her head looking at the scrap spots.

"Maybe that metal is unique enough to not replace?" Ingrid suggested.

"Armor works if properly taken care of, my father uses the same armor for over a decade of use of battle." Felix answered the eagle girl.

Boba Fett

(Cue to Star Wars soundtrack)

"Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death." Wiz explained.


Nearly Indestructible

Micro Energy Field

Penetrating Radar

Protection from Fire, Poison, Acid, Cold

Retractable Drinking Straw

Boomstick: Plus, he wears the most badass space suit ever.

"That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Armor, forged from nearly indestructible Duraplast containing a Micro Energy Field for dispersing impacts." Wiz continued to explain.

"That armor is amazing!" Ferdinand exclaimed, as they looked over the Armor info.

"It outclasses most of our armor here at the academy, maybe in all of Fodlan." Edelgard for once agreed with Ferdinand.

"I'm sure my arrows would be useless in a fight with him." Claude frowned.

"And properly throwing Axes too." Hilda said.

"I wonder if it could protect from all Dark element Magic." Annette wondered.

"The armor could protect from fire, so fireballs would be ineffective." Lysithea told her. "Maybe that includes wind and dark magic."

"I wonder if the armor is a lot heavier than our armor here." Raphael said.

"This guy can have a freakin bomb blow up in his face and still walk away." Boomstick stated.

"So I guess that answers our question if magic is super effective on it." Hubert said with a slight sigh of relief. He was secretly glad that that type of armor did not exists in Fodlan. That type of armor would be problematic if in the wrong hands or worse in the church.

"I doubt any of our weapons could affect Mr. Fett." Lindhart told the him.


Flame Projector

Fibercord Whip

Wrist Laser

Concussion missiles

Stun missiles

"His gauntlets house a flamethrower with a reach of five meters, a fibercord whip, and numerous concussion and stun missiles." Wiz explained.

"As expected of a bounty hunter" Ignatz said. "He has various weapons to stun or incapacitate people."

"It's still incredible that all those weapons are on just his gauntlet alone." Lorenz said.

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