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One would believe that after sleeping on a hard bed for so long Lilith would have slept like a queen

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One would believe that after sleeping on a hard bed for so long Lilith would have slept like a queen. That was not the case as she lay awake staring at the ceiling. Sleep seemed to elude her as the house stood there silently.

At the crack of dawn she decided that enough was enough. Agent Hotchner had told her to make herself at home which was exactly what she did when she wandered into the kitchen in search of caffeine. Anything would do.

Her footsteps were light as she stealthily maneuvered through the kitchen in her conquest for a decent cup of coffee. Coffee, the one thing in the world she loved. Once a steaming cup of black coffee was in her hand she happily sat down on the couch and stared out the window as the sun began to rise. She sipped at her coffee as she made sure to savor every last drop of the bitter drink.

Footsteps could be heard as there was a faint creak on the staircase. "Jesus Rogers, what are you doing awake at five thirty in the morning?"

She shrugged. "Enjoying the view? Don't worry. I didn't steal anything other than this cup of coffee here."

He shook his head. "Couldn't sleep? Me neither. Haley is looking forward to having some girl time. Hopefully we get you a temporary wardrobe until everything is sorted out. You need work clothes," Hotch said.

She remained silent as she continued to drink her coffee. "Can you put on a pot of coffee," was a she said.

"Sure. I'm really the only person here who drinks coffee which means I usually go with instant," Hotch replied as he turned on the coffee machine.

Lilith just sat there and watched some squirrels run across the front lawn. The sound of the coffee machine brewing more coffee was music to her ears. How she had survived without it was beyond her. Her silence was all she allowed to fill the room. 

"I'll get breakfast started in an hour. Haley deserves a break. She likes you, y'know? You made a good first impression on her," Hotch told her as he poured himself some fresh coffee and refilled her cup.

Lilith snorted, "Yeah? Well it's all a lie. I'm not some french agent who got transferred from the Interpol branch in France."

"Well I think the truth would drive her crazy and we don't want that. And you did work overseas for a while."

"Yeah keep fooling yourself."

"There has to be more to you than what's on paper. When we get to the BAU we having an interview."

Lilith's eyes followed him like a cat stalking its prey. The man intrigued her in more ways than one. Yet she had met men like him before. Men who had suffered childhood trauma and was walled off. She knew he was unlikely to share much about his personal life. Yet she was living with him for the time being. From what she could tell he didn't smile often and seemed to exude alpha male energy. She found herself grinning as she thought about all the fun she was going to have messing with him.

That Girl // Derek MorganWhere stories live. Discover now