"Ok it's time to grow some balls, Eren." I looked back at where the 5 men once stood and now there's 10.
"Nope I'm still a pussy-"

Mikasa:"Fuck it."
Mikasa ran towards the men dodging their knifes and punched one guy into the other. Uppercutted a man who was about to shoot her and grabbed the gun to shoot the man who tried to get her from behind.

Jean:"You really gonna let a girl do you like that?"

Eren:"Shut up Jean. Alright I'm goin' in"
I ran full speed towards someone who was about to pull a gun's trigger at Mikasa and tackled them down. I knocked him out and grabbed the gun to shoot some of the other guys to help my Sister. I. Have. To. Admit! This is the best sibling moment of my life. I bodyslammed one to the wall and Mikasa karate kicked another. Their numbers went down and we both shot the last one standing.
Eren:"Did good sis"
Mikasa:"You too bro"

Sasha:"YAY! Now we can go, right?"
Connie:"Lemme just steal a snack from this place"

*vroom vroom*
*Turns around*

Armin:"C'mon man we just wanna go"
Connie:"Have a kit-kat"
Jean:"Have a-shut the hell up Connie!"

Everyone in the village went out of sight. They ran at just the appearance of a man wearing dark. They all know him. This is no other then...
Eren:"Nile Dok"

"Hello Bravestone, I believe you have something of mine."
Eren:"Look man. We just wanna go home"
All the men he was with raised their guns at us. Can't we go home?

A smoke bomb was released right in the middle of the situation we were in. But I didn't finish what I was gonna say...damn.
I heard a somewhat deep voice yell so I followed where it came from as the smoke started clearing a bit. Once we were out I could now see someone in front of me and my friends. They led us to a tunnel and kneeled down to a sewer and opened the lid.
"Alright now get in"
Everyone did as said wuth hesitation. There were was a ladder which we used to climb down and once we were all in this stranger came down as well and closed the lid of the sewer.
They took off the bandana and beanie they had on and revealed themself. It was a man. Blonde, blue eyes, very tall, buff and why in the name of hentai does he have such big eyebrows?

The men's feet were heard passing the sewer above us. It sounded like they were all gone now-
Connie:"OHH SHIT! A RAT!"
*jumps around pointing at a rat*
The rat:😓

Jean:"I'm giving you two seconds to shut your dumbass up" :)

3rd p.o.v.
The man spoke. (Let there be light-)
"My name is Erwin, Erwin Smith. Nice to meet you all."
The man's appearance seemed kind but it attracted one individual out of all the other teens. A little blonde coconut.

Sasha:"Hi! I'm Sasha thanks for saving our asses it's nice to meet you too."
Eren:"Yo wus good I'm Eren"
Jean:"'ey! The name's Jean!"
Connie:"Wassup vato! I'm Connie!"
Armin:"..I-I'm Armin...it's nice to meet you Mr.Smith"
Erwin:"Oh please just call me Erwin"
Armin:"oh-ok uh well thanks for s-saving us"
Jean:"Why y'all look like that?"
Mikasa and Sasha:"You wouldn't get it"
(The power of the fujoshis)

Erwin:"Okay we better get moving follow me and I'll take you somewhere safe. The guys will not believe this."
-Them talking as they walk-
Sasha:"The guys?"
Eren:"There's more people?"
Erwin:"Yes. It's me and two others. Hang on backs against the wall."

The teens listened.
(Parents: sh00k)

Arrows passed them in the speed of lightning missing them since they were against the walls.

Jumanji (Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now