"Yeah, why wouldn't we? Our best friend is getting married" Vikram hugs Ashu, she smiles seeing him happy.

Sasha and Ashmith just keep staring at eachother with a smile.

"When is the wedding?" Sasha diverts her eyes from Ashmith to Vikram

" Next week in a resort" he replies
"Hey, why don't you girls join us?" He adds

"Vikram, how can we attend someone's wedding just like that?" Ashu asks

"Its not someone's wedding Ashu, my best friend's wedding. You can happily attend." then he adds "However you need to get habituated to all these once we're married, then why not we start it now?" He winks at her

Sasha laughs, Ashu gives her a stare

"Bava, you take Ashu. I can't come. Anyways there is no need for me to attend in future as well" Sasha shrugs

"How come you don't need to attend in future? He is my friend too and you're definitely attending this wedding" Ashmith blurts out earning a surprise look from his friend and sisters

"Pardon? What were you trying to say Mr.Pride?" Sasha frowns

Ashmith looks at her and struggles with words as he is not sure what to tell and cover up. He gestures Vikram who in turn gestures at Ashu to divert her sister's attention.

"Ok fine. We'll come" she looks at Sasha for assurance who hesitatingly nods in return.
Sasha doesn't want to leave Ashu alone among strangers though she know Vikram will take good care of her but she is still needed for Ashu's comfort.

"Good then, we'll stay there for 3 days. Get all your things ready and yeah, I'll ask Vishali to tag you both with her when she visits the designer and please don't hesitate in taking whatever you like."

Ashu nods.

Ashmith frowns at Vikram reminding him how his not so sweet sister is never sweet towards the Patel sisters and also she'll never think before plotting anything against them to stop the girls from attending the wedding.

"Vikram, we can't predict when Vishali will go for shopping. Let's not delay and mess with their dresses, giving them a reason to not attend the wedding" Ashmith blabbers and Vikram looks at him suspiciously before adding "it's better that we'll go for shopping today itself then"

Guys nod their heads looking at each other and batting their eyes with a satisfied smile.
Sasha and Ashu exchange 'whats happening here' look

"Go, get ready Darlings. We'll go for shopping first and then I need to attend a urgent meeting when I get a call" Vikram hurries them

"Then you attend your meeting first bava, we can go for shopping tomorrow. Whats the hurry?" Sasha shrugs and adds "Your meeting is important"

"Thanks for saying that Sasha. But no, we'll go shopping today. If I'll get a call, I'll leave and Ashmith alone will take care of you people" He pushes Sasha gently showing her room again

"Fine" both sigh and goes to their room.


Ashmith takes them to his friend's boutique

"Hey Ashmith" his friend hugs him and he smiles hugging him back.

"How come you remembered me today?"

"There is a theme wedding and we need you to design our outfits" he says showing the other 3 and himself

"Hai. You're Vikram, correct?"
Vikram nods.

He waves at the girls who smiles in return.

"Please design couple outfits for them" Sasha says showing Vikram and Ashu who blushes.

"Yeah, sure! And I guess same goes for you 2 too?" he points at Sasha and Ashmith while Sasha is busy checking out his previous works.
Ashmith nods and signals him to be quiet.

"Let me explain the themes" Ashmith continues explaining theme for every event.

"I'll definitely do my best. Dont worry buddy." he assures Ashmith.


They continue shopping for the remaining items and finally end up in an icecream parlor on Sasha's request.

Sasha goes to the counter and waits for the order

"You know, Sasha loves Ice cream so much. In childhood dad used to fill our freezer with ice creams for her and Mom used to give an earful to both of them. As soon as mom gets fed up understanding that they never change and leaves to her room, this girl turns towards dad and say 'Dad Icream'. After hearing that a smile used to form on his lips and he used to feed her ice cream and they giggle as she starts immitating mom. And after dad going to work, mom used to scold Sasha as she used to try to steal and eat the ice cream again " Ashu laughs reminiscing Sasha's childhood.

"Icream?? Aw.... she's so cute" Ashmith says dreamily

"Who's cute?" Sasha asks keeping the tray on table.

"Little Sasha" Ashmith smiles at her

Sasha gives a knowing look, "Don't tell me. Ashu, you again told them about my Ice cream love?"

" Ah..  Ah.. no" Sasha sighs before Ashu adding " Not about your ice cream love but i told them about your Icream love" she winks at her sister
Sasha shooks her head annoyingly

"And you know Ashmith hates ice creams, he only eats red velvet ice cream."  Vikram shooks his head

"What? You hate ice creams? But why?" Sasha frowns

"Don't know. I just don't like them from my childhood" he shrugs "I started eating red velvet ice cream from past 2 years as this idiot fed me telling it was just cream mixed with cake crumbles and you know I can't refuse red velvet cake... I just love it"

"Thank god, I bought a red velvet one for you as I remembered you like the cake" she says handing over his bowl to him and bits her lip remembering her first date with him

Ashu looks at her suspiciously "How do you know that he likes red velvet?"

Sasha looks down not knowing what to answer as thats the only thing which she didn't shared with her sister and kept it to herself, don't know why but she felt that was a personal memory which should only be known to them both.

Ashmith came to her rescue, "I told her yesterday when we went for lunch"  he smiled and winked at Sasha.

Sasha whispers a 'Thank you' to him with a sweet smile which is enough for him to get a peaceful sleep that night.

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