All The Kings Women: Part I

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Hey! This is the first part to my two parter one shot in which I came up with the idea with Evie herself the other day. This first part isn't critical to knowing the kind of one shot storyline but seeing as its just myself and Evie in this one, I thought I'd include it in Things I've Written For Evie :) you can find the next part in my One Shots which also has our good friend Phoenix (kitephoenix) in it also :) I hope you like these two parts!

Can't wait till November, Evie ;D


Dear Tom,

First of all, I never meant to hurt you. Every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month we spent together over the past two years, I never thought I would be saying goodbye to you in this this way, thus hurting you in the process.

If I'm being honest, I didn't even think it would ever work out with the both of us. When we exchanged eyes from across the room at Starbucks in downtown Houston, I thought you were giving me the freaky eyes in the sense that you thought I was weird. Granted, I had just accidentally snorted Caramel Macchiato up my nose from laughing at a hilarious fan fiction I'd just found online, but this didn't stop your pursuit of me at all.

You spoke to me like I'd placed the stars in the sky; like every rainbow that appeared when the rain poured down and the sun shone bright, I'd somehow splashed every single colour into the atmosphere with my own hands. Your touch was perfection; sparks flew when we kissed and whenever we just lay together, I felt no pain; all my troubles washed away. You were the light in my life. And for that, I thank you.

So, I write this letter to you the day after your surprising proposal. When you got down on one knee, I knew I couldn't do this to you anymore; I was kidding myself. I don't want to lie to you any longer.

I don't love you, Tom. I'm sorry, I just have to say it to set the record straight. You were only a temporary pain relief for me, someone I could cry to, laugh with or just speak with if anything ever happened involving my personal life. I've told you lie upon lie whenever I uttered those three small words in response to the same you spoke to me everyday.

That is why we must part ways. I cannot hurt you anymore, Tom.

I hope you understand and I hope that, one day, you find a lovely and beautiful girl that will love you like I never did.

Take care,


Evie read the letter through one last time before taking a huge intake of breath and exhaling audibly. She then posted the letter in the mailbox and snapped it shut without another thought.

"You alright?"

She turned to see Luu leaning against a midnight black Lamborghini.

"Just about," Evie replied, rubbing her temples.

"It'll get better," Luu smiled warmly at her Texan friend.

"I'll have to take your word for it," Evie bit her lip as she made her way to the passenger side of the car. "You've lived with yourself okay so far, right?"

"Just about," Luu repeated the words of Evie and then got into the drivers seat.

"How did Charlie take it?" the courage that she thought would have left her by now was still there, giving Evie the willpower to not let water surface to her eyes.

"Pretty well," Luu nodded, strapping her seatbelt across her body. "Bit of a sob fest but, I expected that anyway."

Luu said nothing more about it as she revved up the engine. Evie didn't need to know. She already knew half the facts anyway; ever since Luu and her English sweetheart Charlie had gotten together, Luu never knew it could last. Charlie was to be shipped out to Afghanistan with the army this year, so it maybe worked out for the best that she'd taken up this opportunity over in Liverpool.

"We're gonna be fine," Evie said, not even realising what she was saying.

Were they really going to be okay though? The girls only knew the procedure of what was going to happen, whether it was going to actually work out or not, no one knew.

Luu and Evie didn't exchange another word on their journey to the airport. They were both immersed in the thoughts of the deeds that they had just carried out.

"Gosh, you think we feel bad? Imagine what it's like for Phoenix right now..." Evie stated as Luu pulled into a car parking spot at Bush Intercontinental Airport.

"Oh man. Yes. It was supposed to be her wedding day today," Luu shook her head and turned off the ignition. "You sure we're doing the right thing, Evie?"

"I think so," Evie nodded, not at all sure she knew whether she was right or not.

Luu nodded in agreement. Besides, it was too late to back out now. And maybe, just maybe, they'd get what they actually wanted and asked for for once in their lives. It was at least worth a try.

"Let's go,"

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