Fan Girls - Sneak Peek!

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They were there. They were finally at Anfield. This is what Evie had been waiting for her entire life, to come and watch her team play at one of the most famous stadiums in the world. She could not believe her eyes as she looked up at the outside of the Kop end. There was an advert of the shirt sponsor Warrior and Steven Gerrard in the kit bearing down on her. Evie pulled her eyes away from the captain as quickly as she could, feeling as if Stevie was in fact staring at her.

“Isn’t it just great?” Luu sighed as she also looked up at the mighty Anfield and the massive advert that displayed Steven Gerrard.

“I know, it’s like I imagined it would be,” Evie took a look at a couple of guys who were making their way out of the club shop, their bags bulging with official club merchandise. Today wasn’t a match day, but Luu thought she’d bring Evie anyway because she wanted her to see the magic before the bustle tomorrow.

“I just thought I’d bring you today because hanging around here without the noise is kind of cool, right?” Luu knew what it was like to come to Anfield, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t find it special every time she came close to the stadium. On match days, this place was buzzing, you always felt this warm feeling bubble inside you whenever you were surrounded by the best supporters in the world. However, even when it was quiet, you always seemed to get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that said “oh my gosh, I’m at Anfield!!”

“I just…I can’t even…” Evie’s mouth started to open and close, yet no words came out. This was her dream and she was living it.

“Come on, let’s go see what they have in the shop,” Luu took Evie’s hand and dragged her towards the club shop doors. “We can get you a Kelly shirt!”

“Or Gerrard!” Evie replied as she shuffled after Luu whilst taking the last look at her hero on the advert above their heads.

Once inside, Evie gasped with delight. Shirts and merchandise covered every single wall of the shop; she didn’t know where to look first. She spotted items she’d never seen before, like LFC rubber ducks. “Luu, I can’t even! This is amazing!”

“Come on, let’s find you a shirt,” Luu chuckled, leading the way over to the red home shirts. “You wanted the home shirt, yeah?”

“Yeah. Your home shirt looks nice so I’ll get one. The away shirt kind of looks like the Star Trek uniform and the third kit…well, don’t even get me started!” Evie stated, shuffling through the shirts until she came to her size shirt. “Think I should go and try it on?”

“You can if you want to,” Luu smiled. “Anything else you want to try on? Let’s go and look in the ladies section.”

“There’s a ladies section?” Evie followed Luu with a look of bewilderment on her face.

Luu led Evie to the ladies clothing where they picked out some items to try on. In the end they both agreed on getting a couple of t-shirts each as well Evie getting her jersey. All in all, they’d spent more money than they actually had on them, resulting in Luu having to pay with her cash card.

“Your shirt printing will take at least an hour, I’ll give you this,” the cashier who had taken Evie’s shirt to print Kelly and 34 on the back, handed her a slip of paper. “Show it to the person behind the till when you come to pick up your shirt.”

“Thank you,” Evie said with a smile and pocketed the slip of paper.

They both wandered out the shop with their purchased items and Luu turned to Evie with a massive grin on her face. “We should go to the Boot Room for dinner.”

“Turning up at Melwood just to eat in the room where they keep all the boots? That’s very unhygienic, Luu,” Evie said as she rustled through her bags.

“No! It’s a restaurant here. Come on,” Luu giggled and for the third time today, led the way to their next destination. This time they went back under the big advertisement board with Steven Gerrard on it but instead of heading into the club shop, Luu turned left into a reception type area and up a set of stairs; this lead to the museum and the restaurant. “This is the Boot Room Sports Café.”

“So it’s not actually the boot room? This is confusing,” Evie stuck her tongue out at Luu. “Let’s go and eat. I’m starving!”

One of the waitressed seated them at a booth and gave them their menus. “I’ll come and take your orders in a bit.” She said with a distinctive Scouse accent.

After the waitress had left, both the girls opened up their menus and began to scan the food that was on offer. All of it looked delicious; Luu remembered coming here with her dad once.

“Are you enjoying yourself so far?” Luu asked Evie who had her eyes set on the spaghetti bolognaise.

“Of course! Ever since I got on the plane from Houston I’ve loved everything! Actually, no, not the plane ride because it made me realise I was gonna miss Texas, but when I touched down at John Lennon, I just got this overwhelming sense of…I don’t know what it was, a lot more pride and passion had entered my heart. The city is fantastic,” Evie grinned. “The match tomorrow is gonna be amazing, as is the stadium tour the day after!”

“I know! I’m glad you’re having fun,” Luu grinned along with Evie. This was the first time they’d met each other in person after a couple of years of talking via Twitter, Wattpad and Oovoo. Their love of Liverpool had bought them both together and it helped that they both liked to have the occasional ‘feels’ over certain players.

“So…our kidnapping plans, huh?” Evie said to Luu as the waitress made her way back over to them both. “How’re we gonna start our love story with the two most beautiful guys in the world?”

“Can I take your orders please?” the waitress said with a knowing smile on her face.

“I’ll have spaghetti bolognaise with a diet coke!” Evie grinned, handing the waitress her menu.

“I’ll have the same,” Luu smiled as the waitress turned to her and took the menu from Luu’s grasp. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Your drinks will be over in a little bit,” The waitress wandered off with a look on her face that made Luu think she was trying not to laugh.

“Did you see her face? She heard what you were saying, Evie,” Luu laughed.

“Oh gosh, how embarrassing,” Evie cringed and put her head in her hands. “We have to stop doing that! First that guy reading our conversations on Twitter, now this? And it’s not as if we can private message each other either!”

“Maybe we just need to dial down the craziness in public?” Luu said whilst taking a side glance at a young couple who had just been seated at the table next to us.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to,” Evie rolled her eyes and picked up the salt shaker. “These look different to ours back in the US…”

But Luu had stopped listening to Evie and started to listen to the conversation that the couple on the next table was having. It sounded interesting.

“Anyway, Sandy’s having a party tomorrow night at that new nightclub Dice and apparently it’s that guys birthday as well…the Liverpool one…” said the girl with the beach blond hair. She knew nothing about Liverpool, you could tell.

“What, Daniel Agger?” said the boyfriend.

“Yeah, apparently it’s his birthday tomorrow and he’s having his party at Dice with the Liverpool team. That’s what Sandy said anyway,” the girlfriend shrugged as she scanned her menu.

“What, regardless of the result tomorrow?” asked the guy.

“I don’t know!” the girl retorted, a frown appearing on her face.

Luu looked at Evie who had stopped fiddling with the salt shaker down and was already looking at Luu with a grin on her face. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Luu grinned straight back at her. “Party tomorrow night at Dice?”

“Hell yeah!” Evie replied back and they high fived each other.

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