lemon warning!!

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I groan as my tail instinctinvly rubs his interface plate making him grunt quietly before i feel him bite my neck cables as i hear both our interface plates open and feeling something rub my valve making me whine a bit "thunder~" i moan as he releases my neckcables and concerntrates on getting his spike in my wet dripping valve as he grabs my legs to pulls himself closer and deeper inside of me making me moan loud as he puts a hand on my hip the other holding my leg thrusting in and out slowly before picking up the pace "aaah~ thunderhoof~" i moan clawing his shoulders and back "mm~ *Huff* ayoo ya like that *huff* wolfy~" he purrs grunting as he hides his face in my neckcables panting hard and he goes even deeper and faster "ooh~" i moan leaning my head against the wall gripping his shoulders tightly as he sits up and kisses me panting and grunting more "Mm~" i moan as he adds his tongue and sucking mine before breaking it leaving a stand of saliva before leaning his helm against mine "haaaa~ thunderhoof harder~" i moan loudly feeling him go inhuman speed panting and grunting "ayoo~" he groans creating a mass of friction between us as my optics roll to the back of my helm as i close them "nyaaa~" i moan moving my hips against his own digging my claws into his shoulders "ah thunder im so close~" i moan loudly feeling him grunt loudly in agreement "hng aah~ Y/N!!~" "THUNDERHOOF~" me and thunderhoof grunt and moan loudly feelimg him gripping my waist going deep before releasing his transfluids inside of me as i join him releasing on his spike as some leak out of my valve "oh wow~" i purr leaning back panting "heh" thunderhoof sighs and pulls out making me squeak a little as im panting " i love ya" he smiles nuzzling me and kissing my cheek as our interface plates close and he adjusts me on the berth so im laying on his chest "i love you too mr mafia" i smile laying my helm on his chest panting before falling asleep

my little mafia (thunderhoof x reader)Where stories live. Discover now