the dream space

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a/n i know this might not work with the laws of the dream space but like this is really cute and these two should be allowed to have some fun                                                                               also really short but fluff!

"I've never known you for your dramatics, my love." Onica finally came above deck to talk to Tavra.

"I'm sorry, I just...I feel so useless." Tavra was sitting on the rail of the ship, looking out at the vast ocean. Onica walked over, leaning on the rail so be at eye level. "I miss you."

"I'm right here." Onica joked.

"you know what I mean." They stayed in silence for a moment, there wasn't anything they could do. What was there to say.

"dreamfast..." Onica had an idea

"what about it?"

"we can go to the dream space!" Onica held out her hand for the spider to take.

"would that even work?" Tavra lifted a leg but hesitated.

"for the love of Thra just try!" Onica persisted.

Suddenly they were in Ha'rar, the throne room to be precise. The sheer curtains let the light into the room, everything was still and calm. Not another person in sight. Onica looked to her side to see Tavra, her Tavra. "it worked." Was all she could whisper. She laughed holding Tavra in a tight embrace. Tears of happiness pricked in Tavra's eyes. Tavra spun Onica around laughing. She had missed dancing around the deck of Onica's ship, even if neither of them were any good.

"Onica, I've missed you." Tavra looked into Onica's eyes which were also filled with tears.

"I missed you too." Onica held onto Tavra's hands afraid of letting go.

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