a meeting by the sea

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Tavra was forever sneaking out of the castle late at night when her mother had gone to bed, she would open her window a fly towards the Sifan coast. She landed at seafairers lantern with a small, wooden box, decorated with seashells. Across the beach a gelfing was climbing out of a boat, Tavra started walking towards them. Holding onto the box tightly.

"Onica," was all Tavra could say as she held out her hand for her.

"I was clearly missed" Onica joked a she took her hand and they walk back towards the boat. They walked in comfortable silence looking at the sisters rising in the sky. Tavra focused on the warmth of Onica's hand and the light coming from the boat. "after you" Onica helped Tavra onto the deck of the boat.

"no need to be so formal," Tavra joked as Onica climbed on. "I got you something." Tavra smiled, looking down at the box, then moved to open the hatch to go below deck.

"you're just going to keep me guessing?" Onica asked as Tavra jumped into the hatch. "that's a yes then" she giggled, following her silverling.

Tavra's ears relaxed; feeling at home. The cabin was small but cosy, filled with pillows and blankets, fabric hung from the ceiling in various shades of blue, the small kitchen at the end was littered with herbs; books pilled as high as Tavra's waist. It was still a mystery to the Vapra how Onica managed to find everything.

"did you get more pillows?" Tavra asked looking around.

"no." Onica answered with a puzzled look,

"I'd swear on aughras eye that there are more than before" Tavra smiled, finding a nice place to sit. Onica joined her looking expectantly at her. "what is it?" Onica just looked down at the box, the Vapra understood and passed it to her.

"it's beautiful" Onica whispered as she delicately rotated the box to look at the design.

"you haven't even looked inside yet." Tavra rested her head on the Sifa's shoulder. she opened the box carefully, inside was a smooth, oval stone, a dark grey colour. Onica turned it over and saw the engraving two feathers and the words, the seven clans couldn't tear us apart. Onica brushed her thumb over the writing before bring it to her heart. "are you okay?" Tavra looked up at her far-dreamer who was staring off into the distance.

"never been happier." Onica turned to face her smiling. She placed the rock in her skirt pocket and leaned back onto the pillows behind her.

"it really nice, silence I mean, after the tithe." Tavra admitted looking at the sparkly blue fabric above their heads

"anything interesting happen?" Onica asked. She realised that Tavra didn't really like talking about her family, they knew they wouldn't approve a Vapra -second in line to the throne- in love with a Sifa it would never be allowed. The Vapra believed in not tainting their clan, like many of the other clans did. Where a the Sia where more excepting.

"nothing of note, the others were fighting." Onica had always been interested in Tavra's sisters, mainly because they seemed to always arguing with each other. "I wish I could just sail away with you sometimes..." Tavra turned her attention to the other gelfing next to her as she spoke. Onica looked up at her.

"then come with me!" Onica's eyes sparkled with mystery and hope. "forget about Ha'rar come with me, we will find an island in the middle of no where and start over, no All-Maudra, no Skesis, nothing." She paused face dropping "I know that wouldn't work out, its fun to dream though." She sunk back into the pillows.

"it could...just not now." Tavra mumbled. "where's a blanket?" she changed the subject.

"the are everywhere my love, you can find one." Onica was happy to get some humour back into the conversation. Tavra reached over her to get a fluffiest one, she put it over both of them and rapped her arm around Onica.

"are you staying tonight then?" Onica asked, hopeful

"I wish it could be longer" Tavra's eyes closed and Onica blew out the nearest candle, and rapped herself in the blanket once more. They fell asleep listening to the sound of the waves and the small ringing of wind chimes.

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