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First of all, I just want to thank every one who read the first part for giving this short story a chance. 

I guess this is will be a long one. Note that all the entries here are based on Bea's POV, so expect long narration. Also, the REAL timeline of events got so mixed up on my mind, so please don't base it on that.

Again, salamat sa'yo who is still reading this part. One more part to go.

Few days ago, I received an invitation from Popeye's Philippines to attend an opening of their branch at Robinsons Galleria and I happily sent a confirmation because who would say no to chicken. I also don't want to isolate myself just because I am trying to move on. I tried for a few days and swear my sanity will leave me if I will continue doing so. On those days, memories just kept flashing back so do regrets but never the acceptance. Not yet.

It still stings. The thought of him being with someone still hurts. But what can I do, he seems happy. He also seems serious this time. I mean he wouldn't do all of those things, from the IG comments to the post, if he is not. Most of all, he wouldn't mind being involved in another issue just because he is going out with someone if he is not really into her.We know we can just shrug it off. But, now, it's a different story because he has someone who he really cares about. Ano bang laban ng isang good friend from someone na ka-going out na he's protective of, 'di ba? Kaya ito ako ngayon, I decided to just continue with my life. Bahala na.

Today, I kind of focused on myself. As much as possible, no thoughts about Thirdy muna. I focused my thoughts on the buckets of chicken that I would eat later. I am also excited to see Maddie, Deanna, and, of course, Jia who I haven't seen for a long time. Good thing they are invited too. Actually, they added to the reasons why I immediately said yes when I saw the invite. Parang little catch up na din for us.

I drove to Galleria after I finished preparing that's why I arrived a little early. Being here is so nostalgic. It brought back many memories when I was still in Poveda. I used to be here every day. It made me miss those days. I can't help but reminisce those fun times, so I posted an IG story.

While looking around, I was reminded of how life was not this complicated back then. Back when I haven't fallen inlove yet. I used to walk around this mall with my friends just to hang out or just to buy something I need for school. But, look at me now, I am walking here trying to redeem myself from what I have been feeling these past few days. I am strolling around with a heavy heart, trying to escape the pain and at the same time recover from it. I don't know until when would I feel this. But I do hope that the process would be worth it. That there will come a time when I can finally tell myself I am okay.

I don't mean to let go of the love I have for him because I know that he would always have this special place in my heart. I know that I would always love him, just maybe not the same love that I have for him right now.

I want my heart to be free from the pain I am feeling. I just want my heart to accept the situation and to be happy with his choices. Yes, I just want the acceptance, the acceptance that I pray for every day.

After some time of going around Galle, I went to Popeyes since Jia and Deanna are there already there while Maddie is at the parking lot na.

I'm happy to see them, it's like a breath of fresh air. They said I am blooming, I would definitely take that compliment if I am not feeling this way. Or maybe, I look blooming today because I am thinking of chicken. Well, chicken is not my favorite, but it definitely lightens up everyone's mood.

I was munching on my chicken when someone took a video of me. I didn't actually notice who it was because I was too focused. After that, endless posing for pictures naman. It felt right being here, actually. It felt right seeing people and talking to friends. When we're done with the photo ops, someone went near our table. I guess she's the social media manager of Popeyes since kanina pa sya super busy taking pictures on her phone.

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