💕Sugar coated dreams💕

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To say Hongjoong was nervous would be a huge understatement. The boy was absolutely terrified and was practically biting off every single nail at the thought of spending a day alone with Mingi. The boys had decided to take a trip to Lotte World and of course, made special effort to come up with an excuse good enough to force Hongjoong and Mingi to have the dorm to themselves for the day. It was all San's fault and he knew he should have never told him about the dream he had of him and Mingi. He remembers waking up, dazed and confused as San looked at him. "What's wrong Joongie?" he asked as Hongjoong finally calmed down. "Promise you won't tell?" Hongjoong asked as he patted on the mattress, signaling for San to sit with him. "I had a dream about Mingi and I" Hongjoong whispered quietly. San widened his eyes as he pried for more information. "We were alone watching movies on the couch like we always do when all of a sudden it turned into a heated make out session" Hongjoong said quietly as the blush splotched it's way onto his cheeks. Of course San couldn't keep quiet so everyone else in their friend group aside from Mingi knew and Hongjoong hasn't even been able to look him in the eyes since then. His heart thumps at an alarming rate and his feet practically turn to puddles. Needless to say, he's been avoiding him. When the others make their way out the door, Hongjoong makes a run for the stairs to get to his room but when Mingi calls for him, he realizes his escape is futile. He goes back down the stairs and looks at a confused Mingi sitting on the sofa. "Where are you going? It's the perfect day for a minjoong movie day" Mingi says with a smile as he motions for Hongjoong to join him. Just his smile alone was enough to make him feel woozy. He reluctantly sat on the couch as Mingi turned on one of their favorite movies. Hongjoong had managed to sit on the opposite side of the sofa as Mingi but that didn't last long as Mingi got up to retrieve a blanket and plopped down right next to Hongjoong, covering the both of them in the fleece's warmth. Mingi has placed his head on Hongjoong's shoulder and he knew he was toast. His body stiffened and he couldn't move an inch. At this point, he was so nervous that he wasn't even paying attention to the movie. He just wanted the others to get home so the red of his cheeks could go away, along with his unspoken embarrassment. Mingi must have noticed how tense  the boy was because he scooted up and looked at Hongjoong. "Joongie?" Mingi questioned. "Yes?" He replied without making eye contact. "Did I do something wrong?" the confused boy said with a pout. "No, why would you think that?" Hongjoong asked. "I don't know, it seems like these days you don't want to do anything with me anymore. We used to love to watch movies together all the time and now you can't even look at me without looking uncomfortable" Mingi said as he began to fiddle with his fingers out of nervousness. Gosh, Hongjoong felt really bad. He hadn't meant to make the younger feel neglected, he just felt nervous around him because he didn't know how much longer he could control his feelings for him. "Oh Mingi" Hongjoong said as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "you haven't done anything, I have" he said with guilt in his tone. Mingi looked at his hyung with confusion. "What did you do?" He questioned. Hongjoong sighed as he knew how embarrassed he was about to feel admitting to liking the thought of kissing his best friend, but any amount of embarrassment was worth not hurting Mingi. "The other night" he began, "I had a dream and it was about me and you" he said and then paused. Mingi kept his eyes on him, clearly not knowing where the story was headed. "And in this dream, you and I were watching this movie" he said as he pointed at the screen to the movie they were currently watching, "and out of no where, we kissed and it got really heated and we made out" Hongjoong continued as he looked down at the ground, he was terrified to see the look Mingi must have on his face right now. "And I've been avoiding you because every time I see you all I can think about is kissing you" Hongjoong finished. He sighed and kept his eyes to the floor. A few moments of silence passed and Hongjoong knew he messed up and ruined their friendship. "Look I get if you don't want to be friends with me any-" he started to say but was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into his. His head was a jumbled mess of confusion and pleasure. He wasted no time in desperately kissing him back, eventually licking his way into the younger's mouth. Tongues fighting back and forth for dominance when air won in the end, both pulling away to catch their breath. "Wow" Hongjoong said, barely above a whisper. "So?" Mingi questioned. "So?" Hongjoong responded. "Was that everything you wanted when you would look at me and think about kissing me?" Mingi asked, this time the blush creeping onto his cheeks. "More than" Hongjoong responded with a smile as he placed his lips on Mingi's as they were a couple minutes ago. Just then the boys walked in. "Oooh" they all sang in unison. The two boys let out a chuckle as Hongjoong buried his head in Mingi's neck. They all took their places on the couch and began to watch the movie that had been long forgotten, this time, Hongjoong confidently sitting by Mingi, looking at him every chance he got.

Oh my gosh, this is my first writing in this book! I hope you liked it, maybe leave a vote if you did?🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Thank you so much for reading!💕✨

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