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The next day was a Wednesday. And as it turned out, Sirius Black had a detention to serve. He stood in front of James that evening, lecturing his best mate on how to baby sit a five year old Remus. He told him all the things that were okay to do and all the things that weren't.

James of course, thought that this was all unnecessary. He'd been here the entire past week, hadn't he? He'd observed Sirius do most of the work, he had pitched in here and there. He could handle it.

If only he'd known how wrong he was.

"Now, I have two hours with McGonagall and I'll be back not a minute later. Remember, he loves to explore all around the castle, so DO NOT let him out of your sight. James Potter, if you lose this child, I will find out and it will be your neck, got it?"

James knew he had everything under control, but Sirius's threat kind of scared him, he had to admit. He looked over to where Remus was sitting cross-legged on Sirius's bed with fruit pop in his mouth. He was smiling so innocently, his big doe eyes rolled up to give James the impression that everything would go perfectly smoothly.

Again, how wrong that impression was.

As soon as Sirius had left the room, Remus pulled the fruit pop out of his mouth with a pop, his lips stained red. He hopped off the bed and went to stand in front of James, crossing his arms over his chest. This choice position earned him fruit pop in his hair and slowly dripping down the sleeves of his sweater, but he either didn't notice or didn't care.

"So, here's what's gonna happen," Remus told James, sounding quite official if he did say so himself.

"You give me candy and we'll have a nice evening."

James simply laughed, finding this bossy version of Remus hilarious. Giving Remus candy had been on Sirius's strict 'Do Not' list.

"Sorry, kiddo, no candy for you. You've already had a fruit pop."

Remus sighed, shaking his head in disappointment, which puzzled James slightly. Why was this five year old disappointed in him? He was the one in charge here!

Remus took a great big breath and started screaming. He was wailing and crying, summoning tears out of thin air. The longer James stood there, shocked, he dropped to the ground and started kicking and pounding his fists into the floor.

Finally, James was startled out of his stupor. He held his arms out in a 'stop' gesture, eyes flitting around the dorm in a panic. At this rate, the whole tower would hear Remus's crying fit. They'd think that James was murdering the poor tot. He couldn't have anyone reporting this whole situation to Sirius either.

"Alright, alright, stop it. Enough with the tantrum, I'll give you candy!"

Remus ceased crying immediately. He stood and dusted himself off, a calm grin on his face. He reached up and grabbed James's finger, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure doing business," he said, the little shit.

James grumbled something Remus couldn't here and dug around in his pocket for a spare chocolate bar. It was habit for him to carry one with him so he could give it to his friend if he thought he needed it.

Remus smiled cheekily as his little fist closed around the chocolate bar. James crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "What do you say, you little turd?"

Remus had to take a few minutes to collect himself, breathing out harshly through his nose. "Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," James said. "Also, don't tell Sirius."

Remus shrugged like he couldn't be bothered to keep such promises.

James sighed and checked his watch. He still had an hour and fifty minutes left watching Remus by himself. Only ten minutes had passed! James turned to grab his jumper from the desk chair.

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