Feminists and Starbucks

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I promptly fell on my ass, the sun blinding me, all of my drawings scattered around the sidewalk. I glanced up slowly at the person I had bumped into. He was short, and very thin. He had black hair in a similar style to mine, only shorter. And when he held his hand out to help me up, I noticed his eyes were a violet blue. I held out my hand, hesitantly placing it in his. His hands were cold, like mine, funny. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he yanked my arm, causing a sharp pain in my elbow.
I gasped out and he dropped my arm, allowing me to cradle my elbow, noticing the shallow cut about 7 cm long.
"Oh, I'm really sorry. Here, let's go to the drugstore so I can get some stuff to clean it up." He picked up my folder with one hand and wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up with the other.
"Umm, thanks. Hey, what's your name?" Wow. I was being social for once.
"Nice to meet you Lanie, sorry for fucking up your beautiful elbow" I blushed a peach pink, somewhat emphasised by the lack of colour in my hair and face, and fiddled with my medusa piercing.
"I don't think I've ever heard anyone say elbows were beautiful, what are you drinking?"
"Body positiviTEA YEAH BITCH" Christian started dancing around the street, narrowly missing a few parked cars. He promptly waltzed into the drugstore, leaving me on the sidewalk unable to breathe because of convulsive fits of laughter.
Deciding he was gone for now, I recovered and trundled into the quiet Starbucks across the street. I ordered two caramel frappucinos and quickly made my way back outside the drugstore, just in time for Christian to come back out.
"Hey, so let me just- ohmigod you lifesaver." He snatched the cup from my outstretched hand and read the name I had requested on the side.
"'Some chick-dude who I need to keep around'. Hey, are you trying to say something here?"
"What on earth would I be insinuating?" I replied, sipping my coffee with innocent doe eyes.
"That you love me and want to fuck me"
And at that point I spat my mouthful of Starbucks all over Christian no-last-names face.
"I am so-"
Christian pushed me onto a park bench, sitting on me, using my shirt to wipe his face.
"Yes, lovely"
"I know you enjoyed that" I wiggled my eyebrows. Holy crap, what was getting into me today?
I flipped my wrist over, checking the time.
"Fuck, I need to go, catch you around" I grabbed my portfolio and rushed to college, only just getting through the doors as the lecture started. Dumping my folder into the practical room, I slipped into my usual chair in the third pew from the back, up against the wall. It was a Saturday morning, so the hall was pretty sparse. Everyone had a hangover from partying last night. I was never invited to parties, so this wasn't a problem, though.
The lecture was something I'd already covered in practical research, so I wasn't really paying attention. I started playing with the hem of my skirt. Most boys made comments about how it was too short and it was 'asking for it'. And when I told them that that was a horribly misogynistic thing to say, they usually reply with something along the lines of 'well how do you expect us to control ourselves'. It made me sick. It made me sick to think that that is the way nearly every male I have met thinks about women. Some walking pile if entertainment for them. I hated it.
I tried to snap my head back up and pay attention, but the lecture had just finished and I was now expected to utilise some time to collect art supplies, do practical, or to ask questions about things we did not understand. Being slightly kleptomaniacal and jealous of the quality of the supplies, I packed a fair amount of acrylic, canvases and graphite and went to collect my folder.

Wishing wells and magic spellsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن