I'm A Walking Travesty

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Still Lex's POV

I slowly walked into school, immediately receiving snide comments about me being gay. Yes, I'm gay. I don't know how the whole year found out, but they have, and I can't make them not know that I am. I pushed my way through the crowded hall and finally got to my locker, words like I hear earlier written on it, and my last name, Gaskarth, turned into Gayskarth. Now it said 'Alex Gayskarth.' Real mature. I sighed and opened my locker and got my books out. I shut it and on the other side was Vince. He smirked at me and said 'You know what time it is, fag?'

'Time for you to back the fuck away from me and buy a goddamn watch.'

'No.' Vince said as he punched me in my stomach, causing me to spit up some blood. Ew. I ran to the toilets and choked up more blood, only to hear Vince again.

'Come on out, little faggot, we know you're in there.' he banged on the door I was in. shit. I quickly thought of a plan and climbed on the toilet seat and climbed into the next stall (they're all empty, don't worry.) stupid twats didn't even notice me. I slowly and quietly shut the door to that cubicle.

'I'm gonna count to three. If yore not out by three, I'll knock this door down, okay.'

I didn't reply. I couldn't.

I climbed over the low-enough-to-climb-over wall that separates the cubicle I am currently in and the next one, and climbed into that stall. I bit my lip and squeezed my eys shut for a moment. Just trying to stay calm.

'1....' I was so scared right now. I had a plan though.


'His funeral.' Another of Vince's friends said, which made Vince laugh.

'3...!' He screamed and raised his fists. I took that as an opportunity to silently sneak out. I ran outside as fast as I could. I had to get away. I was so late to my lesson as well.

I waited until my first lesson finished and then went to my second. This was gonna be a loooooong day.

I was right. Vince found me and beat the shit outta me, leaving me with a nose bleed, cut up lips and covered in bruises and cuts. I limped home to find my abusive father standing by the door.

'Get inside, ya faggot.' He said as he pushed me inside.

'Pack your bags and leave, I am not haven't a faggot living in my house!'

'What! Where do I go?!'

'I don't give a fuck.'


''Cause you tore this family apart. You're mother left 'cause she couldn't bear to see me hurt you because you're a lttle fag and a failure. I'm ashamed in you.' He drunkenly stumbled into me and hit me in the face.

At this point I was crying waterfalls. My own fucking father. How could he?! I ran upstairs and packed what clothes I had into my bag. I won't be needing them after tonight though.

A/N his day just gets better and better right? whats lex gonna do omg. DON'T WORRY JACK IS IN THE NEXT PART. vote/become a fan/comment etccc. Xoxo

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