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The boys had an amazing performance but something was off. Remington rarely looked at me during the show which was unusual for him. But I brushed it off hoping things would get better. We got home and I took a shower to get all my makeup off and sat in bed just wearing black sweats and one of rems shirts like I normally do. After rem had showered he came into the room and sat in front of me grabbing my hands to hold them.

"Y/n what's with the guest room?" He seemed annoyed but calm.

"It's hard to explain." I started to cry. "I- I'm an age regressor."

"What's an age regressor?"

"I will slip into a younger mental state at times basically. It is not a kink what so ever. I like pacifiers kids things cute clothes Disney movies I'm basically an adult baby." I bawled. (I'm sorry if my description offended anyone or anything I was just trying to make it simple)

"Oh..." he paused. "I'm going to need to process this." He got up and laid in his side of the bed.

"I'm sorry." I said getting up and leaving our room.

He said nothing so I went to the guest room and locked myself in. I changed into another nightmare before Christmas outfit (Incase you can't tell nbc is my favorite)

(The look minus the choker since it's pjs in the story and the paci used is the one in the top left corner)

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(The look minus the choker since it's pjs in the story and the paci used is the one in the top left corner)

"I turned on nightmare before Christmas once again and colored since I couldn't sleep. I cuddled with my Jack Skellington 
stuffy, watching the movie, and continued coloring. I ended up passing out after about an hour.

*remingtons pov*

I woke up the next morning to y/n nowhere in sight but I had a pretty good idea where she was. Before going anywhere or doing anything I grabbed my laptop and did a bit more research on this whole age regression thing, I even joined a discord group for caregivers just to learn some more about it and how to help. After about an hour of that I went to the guest room hoping she was there. I felt horrible about how I reacted to this she's my girlfriend and I love her just because she's a little different shouldn't effect our relationship I actually find it really cute.

*y/n pov*

There was a loud knocking on the door and it woke me up and I was not happy about it.

"Babe?" It was rem.

"Nu go way." My voice was higher pitched due to being in little space.

"Baby will you please let me in I want to talk."

"You gon yew at me."

"No I won't I want to apologize."


"I promise."

I got up and unlocked the door but I didn't open it. I just laid back down in my crib. My nursery was more emo baby you could say mostly black but had pink here and there because it's cute. And my crib was black but had pink sheets and was missing one of the long sides to make it easier for me to get in and out on my own. Remington had came in and sat down next to me.

"Come here" he said.


"Fine" he said grabbing my and pulling me to his lap holding me in his arms which caused me to giggle a bit.

"What do chu wan?" I asked sadly.

"I want to say sorry for how I reacted to last night I love you so much and something like this is something I'm going to learn to love because I love you...plus I think it's kind of cute. I did some research on it this morning and I understand more on what it is and everything else now. You're my everything and this just makes you more unique and perfect." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "Who else knows?"

"Onwy Emmy and me and now you" I snuggled further in the crook of his neck.

"Has em been helping you since I didn't know?"

"Yes I sowwy"

"Hey hey no need to be sorry"


"Yes baby?"

"Will chu be my cawe giver?"

Daddy? • {Remington Leith} (little story)Where stories live. Discover now