Then again, I could be over thinking this, and he could just be a jerk in general. He has such a sweet face, too. He doesn't have that face that screams, "I am an ass." like some guys do. Michael literally looks like a sweetie pie. What is this. And then there's me: everyone being too scared to talk to me, because I have what they call a "bitch face".

What if that's what's making him act this way?! Maybe he thinks I'm a bitch, so he just treating me how he thinks I would treat him.

He passed me a tray of biscuits, and looked directly in my eyes. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Michael."

He gave me a weird look, then rolled his eyes. All that matters is that I'm trying to be nice, and hopefully he catches on.

Soon after the dinner began, so did the interrogation questions. The usual ones like, "Now that you're eighteen, what are your plans for the future?"

Or even, "How's the family doing?"

And let's not forget my personal "favorite", the same old, "Are you dating anyone? Who is it?"

As I answered every single one of these questions and more, I started to think about why they were so interested in my personal life. Why am I suddenly so interesting? It's not like they used to care when I lived here a long time ago...

His voice finally spoke. Michael's. He asked me, "Why is it that you're single?"

I was surprised, and didn't know what to say. He looked at me in all seriousness; no anger, no attitude, just serious. I shook my head, and stuttered out, "I don't know, Michael."

He nodded and huffed, "Could it be...the fact that you can't listen for shit?"

"Michael!" Joseph yelled.

"What?" I was very confused as to what he was trying to imply.

He got up, and shook his head. He was angry now. "Exactly." He took his plate and threw out everything left on it before throwing it into the sink. "Excuse me," he said, and left the room.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at me. I didn't know what to say, I froze. What in the world is he talking about? It couldn't have been something about me and him in the past...we never really got along back then, let alone speak to each other. I mean, it's not like we disliked each other, we just didn't really hang out with one another. I stayed with Nina most of the time I was ever at the Jackson home. I would make small talk with Michael, but never anything too serious to remember. Then again, I don't remember much about my time in Gary, or the last time I's still fuzzy.

Nina sighed, and smiled at Katherine and Joseph, "You know, it's getting a little late, isn't it?"

Katherine shook her head, "No no no no!" she repeated in a panicked tone. "It feels like you just got here! Don't leave, ladies, please stay?"

Nina sighed, "Kathy, you know I'd love to, but it's been such a long day, and this glorious meal you've made us has made me awfully tired. And I wouldn't want to keep you two up on a weekday," she addressed Katherine and Joseph.

"Nina, don't be silly!" she flicked her wrist, "I miss you two, please don't go because Michael's being a jerk."

"Oh, no, it's nothing to do with Michael, honey, I promise, I'm just a litte tired, is all, I have gotten older," Nina laughed nervously. It seemed obvious that she wanted to leave because of him, but she didn't want to leave without making sure she convinced Katherine. "Angelina and I will come by tomorrow morning to bring you some fruits from my little garden back at my house." she laughed. Nina got up and so did everyone else sitting at the table.

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